Are you searching for some common and uncommon vegetables that start with the letter N? Then you have come to the right place. This article is exactly what you need.
N is the 14th letter of the alphabet. Here, in this article, I have comprised an ample list of vegetables starting with the letter N for you.
Whatever your need is, for cooking, research, school assignment, general knowledge, or writing about a cookbook, you can find all the N letter vegetables below.
Also, let me remind you that, here I have considered all forms of vegetables like root vegetables, green leafy vegetables, flowering plants, edible fruit plants, sea vegetables, etc.
So, without losing any more time, let’s get started with the extensive list of vegetables that start with the letter N.
Vegetables That Start With N
The vegetables mentioned below have been compiled from various sources around the web, such as Wikipedia, Quora, Pinterest, etc. Following are the vegetables that begin with the letter N:
1. Nori

Nori is a sea vegetable or seaweed that starts with letter N. It is basically preserved or used as dried. It is native to Japan and very popular in Japanese cuisines. It is known in the botanical language as Porphyra umbilicalis and belongs to the family of Bangiaceae.
It is packed with many nutrients that consist of vitamins and minerals such as Carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins A, C, E, and K. Also, this sea vegetable contains many minerals such as magnesium, iron, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, sodium, calcium, etc.
Nori vegetables has many health benefits such as it helps in the case of thyroid, repairs damaged cells, promotes weight loss, boosts the immunity system, heals wounds, promotes gut health and improves digestion, reduces the risks of heart diseases, etc.
2. Nettle

Nettle is an herbaceous flowering plant. It is known as Urtica dioica scientifically and belongs to the Urticaceae family. It is also called common nettle, stinging nettle, burn nettle, nettle leaf, or stinger, etc. The roots and above part of this plant are most useful.
This N letter vegetable is enriched with numerous vitamins and minerals that are very healthy for humans such as proteins, fibers, carbs, vitamins A, B, C, and K, minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, etc.
Nettle has many health benefits such as it repairs damaged cells, fights against free radicals, reduces inflammation, treats enlarged prostate symptoms and hay fever, lowers blood pressure, maintains a healthy blood sugar level, heals wounds, etc.
3. Neem

Neem is an Indian plant with various health purposes. It is used for food, drink, medicinal purposes, etc. In the scientific world, it is called Azadirachta indica and belongs to the family of Meliaceae. It is also called nimtree, Indian lilac, etc. It grows mainly in semi-tropical regions.
It has very rich nutrients consisting of various vitamins and minerals such as proteins, dietary fibers, carbohydrates, vitamin C, minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, etc.
Neem has many health benefits such as it promotes hair growth by improving hair health, improves digestion and gut health, boosts the immunity system, fights against the free radicals and heals wounds, improves skin health and oral health, prevents diabetes, etc.
4. Nopales

Nopales is another uncommon vegetable that start with letter N. More specifically nopales is the pads of the Nopal cactus. It is native to Mexico, and there are 114 types of this cactus grow. It is a dietary cuisine and is widely used in Mexico. It is known as Opuntia cactus in the botanical world and belongs to the Cactaceae family.
It is filled with various healthy nutrients that are very important for human health such as proteins, fibers, sugar, carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, and K, minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, zinc, etc.
This vegetable is very healthy for humans. Some of its health benefits are it heals wounds, lowers cholesterol, maintains a healthy blood sugar level and prevents diabetes, reduces the risks of heart diseases, protects the liver, boosts the immunity system, etc.
5. Navy Bean

Navy Bean is a type of vegetable and a seed of a flowering plant. In the botanical language, it is called Phaseolus vulgaris, or common bean and French bean. It tastes tender, sweet, and amazingly crispy. This bean is grown majorly in India, Myanmar, Brazil, and the USA.
Navy beans, common beans, or French beans are enriched in various nutritional values. Beans are very rich in fibers and proteins, and also, they contain vitamins A, C, K, and folic acid. This vegetable can be microwaved, boiled, and steamed.
This N letter vegetables are very healthy for both humans and animals. Some of the health benefits of this bean are it helps to control appetite, reduces the risk of cancer, prevents fatty liver, and keeps the heart fit. Also helps to control diabetes and improves metabolism.
6. New Zealand Spinach

New Zealand spinach is an heirloom vegetable starting with letter N. Though it is named spinach, it is not spinach. It is known in the scientific world as Tetragonia tetragonioides and belongs to the spinach family. It is native to New Zealand, Australia, and Asia.
New Zealand Spinach is very rich in important nutritional values such as proteins, fibers, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, minerals calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, selenium, etc.
This N letter vegetable has many health benefits such as it supports heart health, alleviates PMS syndrome, helps in the case of arthritis, fights against flu and cold, boosts immunity, reduces fatigue, helps in the case o blood clot, protects the nervous systems, etc.
7. Napa Cabbage

Napa cabbage is a leafy vegetable and a variety of Chinese cabbage. It is native to the Beijing region of China. In the scientific world, it is known as Brassica rapa subsp. Pekinensis. It is widely used in East Asian cuisines.
This N letter vegetable is enriched with multiple vitamins and minerals that make it a great vegetable such as proteins, fibers, vitamins A, B6, C, and K. Also, it contains many minerals like magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, and folate.
Napa cabbage has many health benefits. It is known to improve digestion, heart health, human immune system, and also fight against many kinds of cancers. It can be eaten in many ways such as stuffed, raw, in a salad, boiled, steamed, cooked, or roasted.
Frequently Asked Questions About Vegetables Beginning With N
Following are some frequently asked questions people asked randomly on the internet about Vegetables starting with N:
What Are Some 4 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter N?
- Nori
- Neem
What Are Some 6 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter N?
- Nettle
What Are Some 7 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter N?
- Nopales
What Are Some 11 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter N?
- Napa Cabbage
I hope you liked and enjoyed this article and at the same time you educate yourself about some vegetables starting with the letter N.
There are lots of vegetables in the world that starts with N, and it is not possible to make a list of all of them, but I tried to include as many as I could find.
If there are any vegetables missing from this list and start with N, please feel free to let me know in the comment section below. I will update the list as soon as possible.
Also, I recommend you read other articles that I have comprised for you with other letters. Such as:
- Vegetables That Start With L
- Vegetables That Start With M
- Vegetables That Start With O
- Vegetables That Start With P
- Vegetables That Start With Q