Are you searching for some vegetables that start with the letter L? Then you have come to the right place. This article is exactly what you are looking for.
L is the 12th letter of the alphabet. Here, in this article, I have comprised an extensive list of vegetables starting with the letter L for you.
Whatever your need is, for cooking, general knowledge, research, school assignment, or writing about a cookbook, you will find all the L letter vegetables below.
Also, let me remind you that, here I have considered vegetables of all forms like root vegetables, green leafy vegetables, flowering plants, edible fruit plants, sea vegetables, etc.
So, without further ado, let’s get started with the extensive list of vegetables that start with L.
Vegetables That Start With L
The vegetables mentioned below have been compiled from various sources around the web, such as Wikipedia, Quora, Pinterest, etc. Following are the vegetables that begin with the letter L:
1. Lacinato Kale

Lacinato kale is a green leafy vegetable starts with letter L. It is mainly used in Italian cuisines. It is called Brassica oleracea scientifically. Also, it is known as dinosaur kale, Italian kale, Tuscan kale, flat back kale, etc.
It has many nutritional values and consists of various vitamins and minerals that are very important to keep humans healthy such as vitamins A, C, folate, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, antioxidants, carotenes lutein, and zeaxanthin.
Lacinato kale has several health benefits such as it helps fight against free radicals, fights against cancers, age-related disease, reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, promotes bone health, maintains healthy blood pressure, etc.
2. Lakota Squash

Lakota squash is a L letter vegetable of the winter squash family. It has green steaks and thick orange skin with orange flesh. Its shape is pear-like. In the scientific world, it is called Cucurbita maxima. It is native to North and South America.
This vegetable is very rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals such as proteins, carbohydrates, necessary dietary fibers, beta-carotene, vitamins C, and B6. It also has a good amount of calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
Lakota squash vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked and its tastes sweet. The flesh of this vegetable is very tender. It has many health benefits such as it reduces inflammation, fights against free radicals and many kinds of cancers, promotes heart health, etc.
3. Lagos Bologi

Lagos bologi is an herbaceous perennial plant also known as waterleaf. In the scientific world, it is called Talinum fruticosum and belongs to the Talinaceae family. It is native to Mexico, West Africa, the Caribbean, and South America.
This L letter vegetable is packed with numerous important nutrients that consist of vitamins and minerals such as protein, carbohydrate, necessary dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc.
Lagos Bologi has many health benefits such as it helps to heal wounds, fights against the free radicals and many kinds of cancers, helps in the case of kidney stones, improves eye and bone health, helps in the case of anemia, prevents Alzheimer’s, etc.
4. Land Cress

Land cress is a biennial herby vegetable beginning with L. It is known as Barbarea verna in the botanical world and belongs to the family of Brassicaceae. It grows better in cool and moist regions. It is also called American cress, bank cress, Belle isle cress, etc.
It has many important nutritional values such as protein, fiber, vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K, minerals calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, etc. It has a peppery and pungent taste.
Land cress has many health benefits such as it improves eye and skin health, fights against free radicals, heals wounds, promotes weight loss, improves heart health, treats eczema and acne, etc.
5. Lebanese Cucumber

Lebanese cucumber is a L letter vine vegetable, known as Cucumis sativus scientifically and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. Its fruits are long and cylindrical in shape with dark green skin and white flesh.
It contains many nutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, K minerals potassium, magnesium, manganese, necessary fibers, carbs, low calories, etc. It tastes sweet and a tad bitter, and can be eaten raw.
Lebanese cucumber has many health benefits too such as it helps with the reproduction, vision, and immune system. Also, this vegetable helps the heart, kidney, and other organs to function properly, helps to heal wounds and improves skin health, etc.
6. Leek

Leek is a leaf vegetable and belongs to the cultivar of the broadleaf wild leek. In the botanical world, it is known as Allium ampeloprasum. The edible part of this vegetable is the stem or stalk. It is close relative to onion, shallot, chive, etc.
This L letter vegetable is enriched with many nutritional values that are great for human health such as protein, carbohydrate, fiber, vitamins A, B6, C, K, folate, minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, antioxidants, etc.
Leek has many health benefits such as it repairs damaged cells and skin, fights against free radicals and many kinds of cancers, reduces cholesterol, helps in the case of the blood clot, reduces inflammation, promotes weight loss, boosts the immunity system, etc.
7. Lettuce

Lettuce is also an edible vegetable beginning with letter L. It is called Lactuca sativa in the scientific world and belongs to the Asteraceae family. This annual vegetable is mainly grown for its leaves and thick stems. This vegetable is very popular in China and Taiwan.
It has many nutrients consisting of various vitamins and minerals that make it a healthy vegetable such as vitamins A, C, B6, minerals potassium, calcium, low sodium, and magnesium. It has a nutty flavor that is similar to cucumber and its leaves taste slightly bitter.
Lettuce also has many health benefits. It is a great source of hydration, it improves bone health and eye health, induces sleep, reduces inflammation, promotes weight loss, improves brain health and heart health, etc.
8. Lentil

Lentil is a legume vegetable that is edible. It is an annual plant and has lens-shaped seeds. In the botanical world, it is known as Lens culinaris. It is native to Canada and India. It is grown as a food crop and distributed all over the world.
This L letter vegetable is packed with numerous vitamins and minerals that are important for human health such as protein, fiber, carbs, vitamins A, B6, folate, thiamin, niacin, minerals calcium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, etc.
Lentil has many health benefits such as it improves heart health and reduces the risks of heart diseases, reduces blood pressure, helps in pregnancy, fights against many kinds of cancers, prevents fatigue, improves gut health and digestion, etc.
9. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is an edible vegetable that is also grown for medicinal purposes. It is known as Cymbopogon in the scientific world and belongs to the family of Poaceae. It is also called barbed wire grass, cochin grass, silky heads, oily grass, etc.
It is very rich in nutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals such as proteins, fibers, carbs, vitamins A, C, folate, minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, niacin, etc. This vegetable grows very easily if it is protected from the cold.
in the scientific world has many health benefits such as it fights against free radicals, heals wounds, protects from flu and cold, has antibacterial properties, reduces inflammation, reduces the risks of many kinds of cancers, promotes gut health and weight loss, etc.
10. Lima Bean

Lima bean is another legume vegetable starting with the letter L, grown for its seeds and beans. In the botanical world, it is known as Phaseolus lunatus and belongs to the family of Fabaceae. It is also called Madagascar bean, double bean, butter bean, etc.
It has many important nutrients that are very healthy for humans such as proteins, dietary fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins B6, C, folate, minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, etc.
Lima bean has many health benefits such as it maintains a healthy blood sugar level and prevents diabetes, improves gut health and digestion, supports heart health, prevents anemia, reduces the risks of heart diseases, etc.
11. Lotus Root

Lotus root is a L letter root vegetable, also known as Indian lotus, sacred lotus, etc. In the scientific world, it is called Nelumbo nucifera and belongs to the Nelumbonaceae family. It is an aquatic plant cultivated for its roots. Sometimes, it is called waterlily.
It has many important nutrients consisting of multiple vitamins and minerals that are essential for human health such as proteins, fibers, vitamins B, and C, minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.
Lima bean has many health benefits such as protects the cells and skin, fights against free radicals, reduces inflammation, has antibacterial properties, reduces blood sugar level and prevents diabetes, improves heart health, etc.
12. Laver

Laver is a sea vegetable that is native to the Atlantic and Pacific. In the scientific world, it is called Porphyra yezoensis. It is also known as wild Atlantic Nori. It is mainly used for sushi dishes. It has a sweet and nutty flavor, and it can be eaten both raw and cooked.
This L letter vegetable is packed with many vitamins and minerals such as Carbohydrates, fibers, proteins, vitamins A, C, E, K thiamin, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, sodium, etc.
Laver has many health benefits such as it repairs damaged cells, boosts the immunity system, heals wounds, it helps in the case of thyroid, promotes weight loss, promotes gut health and improves digestion, reduces the risks of heart diseases, etc.
13. Leaf Lettuce

Leaf lettuce is another edible leafy vegetable that start with the letter L. It is called Lactuca sativa in the scientific world and belongs to the family of Asteraceae. It is mainly grown for its leaves and thick stems.
It has many nutrients consisting of various vitamins and minerals that make it a great vegetable such as vitamins A, B6, and C, minerals calcium, potassium, low sodium, and magnesium. It has a nutty flavor like cucumber and its leaves taste slightly bitter.
Leaf lettuce also has many health benefits. It is a great source of hydration, improves bone health and eye health, reduces inflammation, induces sleep, promotes weight loss, improves brain health and heart health, etc.
14. Lemon Drop Pepper

Lemon drop pepper is a hot, lemon-flavored, citrus-like pepper that is mostly popular for seasoning. Its scientific name is Capsicum baccatum. It is also known as Aji limon, qillu uchu, etc. around the world. This cone-shaped vegetable native to Peru. It is eaten raw in a salad or cooked.
This L letter vegetable is very rich with various nutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals such as proteins, carbs, necessary fibers, vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, folate, minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.
Lemon drop pepper has many health benefits such as it improves eye health, prevents anemia, treats pain syndromes, clotting disorder, digestion problems, post-herpetic pain, diarrhea, heart disease, etc.
15. Likok

Likok is an edible vegetable that belongs to the nightshade family of Solanaceae. In the botanical world, it is called Solanum aethiopicum. It is native to northern and north eastern Africa. It is also known as an eggplant.
This vegetable is enriched in various nutrients that contain vitamins and minerals such as necessary fiber, protein, vitamins A, C, K, folate, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, etc. It can be eaten mashed, boiled, steamed, and cooked.
Likok has many health benefits also such as it improves heart health, prevents many cancers and anemia, helps the digestive system, improves bone health, increases the functions of the brain, etc.
16. Limestone Lettuce

Limestone lettuce (aka butter lettuce or cos lettuce) is a type of head lettuce that is cultivated as a leaf vegetable. In the scientific world, it is called Lactuca sativa. It is named for its butter-soft texture, not for its flavor. The leaves, if picked fresh, have a mild, slightly bitter taste.
This L letter vegetable is enriched with various vitamins and minerals. It has vitamins A, C, and K, and also minerals calcium, potassium, and iron.
Limestone lettuce is a great vegetable for human health with various health benefits such as this vegetable helps in bone health and reduces inflammation, prevents many cancers, helps the digestive system, improves bone health, etc.
17. Lipstick Pepper

Lipstick pepper is another edible vegetable starting with L. It is collected while fully matured and gained the lipstick red color, hence the name lipstick pepper. In the botanical language, it is called Capsicum annuum and belongs to the nightshade family of Solanaceae.
This pepper is packed with many nutritional values consisting of many vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, folate, minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, necessary fibers, proteins, carbs, etc. It is eaten raw in a salad or cooked. It has a sweet flavor, and is great as a kitchen ingredient.
Lipstick pepper has many health benefits such as it treats pain syndromes, digestion problems, diarrhea, clotting disorder, it improves eye health, post-herpetic pain, heart disease, prevents anemia, etc.
18. Lo Bok

Lo Bok is a white winter radish also known as mooli or Daikon radish. In the scientific world, it is called Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus. It is native to Europe and Asia, and it has long, white roots and fast-growing leaves.
This L letter vegetable is enriched with many nutrients that make it a very healthy vegetable such as carbs, fibers, protein, vitamin C, folate, minerals calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, etc. It has a sweet and spicy taste and can be eaten raw or boiled.
Lo Bok has many health benefits such as it fights against many kinds of cancers, reduces inflammation, promotes weight loss, improves the immune system, protects against many chronic diseases, etc.
19. Lamb’s Lettuce

Lamb’s lettuce is a leafy vegetable beginning with L. It is an herbaceous, annual plant native to Europe. In the scientific world, it is called Valerianella locusta and belongs to the family of Caprifoliaceae. It is also called corn salad, mache, etc.
It has several nutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals that make it a healthy vegetable such as vitamins A, B6, and C, minerals calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. It has a cucumber-like nutty and earthy flavor, and its leaves taste slightly bitter.
Lamb’s lettuce also has many health benefits. It improves bone health and eye health, is a great source of hydration, it induces sleep, reduces inflammation and cholesterol, promotes weight loss, improves heart health, and brain health, etc.
20. Lamb’s Quarter

Lamb’s quarter is an annual, fast-growing L letter vegetable. It is cultivated in some countries as a vegetable, but considered in other countries as a weed. It is called Chenopodium album in the botanical world and belongs to the Amaranthaceae family.
It has many nutritional values that consist of vitamins and minerals such as proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fibers, vitamins A, C, and K, minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, etc.
Lamb’s quarter has many health benefits such as it supports eye health, reduces cholesterol, maintains a healthy blood sugar level, treats many kinds of cancers, supports skin health, fights against free radicals and supports cell growth, prevents osteoporosis, etc.
21. Lawyer’s Wig Mushroom

Lawyer’s wig mushroom is a fungus that grows on lawns, waste areas, or gravel roads. In the botanical world, it is called Coprinus comatus and belongs to the family of Agaricaceae. It is also called shaggy mane, shaggy ink cap, etc.
This L letter vegetable has many nutrients that are healthy for humans such as calories, proteins, carbs, necessary fibers, sugar, vitamin D, antioxidants, minerals, copper, thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, etc.
Lawyer’s wig mushroom has many health benefits such as it promotes bone health, fights against free radicals, supports cell growth, heals wounds, reduces blood pressure, promotes weight loss, boosts the immunity system, etc.
22. Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Lion’s mane mushroom is a fungus that is cultivated as vegetable in many countries. It is native to Asia, Europe, and North America. It is called Hericium erinaceus in botanical language and belongs to the Hericiaceae. It can be identified by its long spines.
This vegetable is packed with many nutritional values that consist of vitamins and minerals such as proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, calories, vitamin B, minerals potassium, iron, sodium, calcium, etc.
Lion’s mane mushroom has many health benefits such as it fights against dementia, relieves from the symptoms of anxiety and depression, supports nervous systems, protects from ulcer, reduces the risks of heart diseases, prevents diabetes, fights against many kinds of cancers, reduces inflammation and cholesterol, etc.
23. Lobster Mushroom

Lobster mushroom is not a mushroom as its name, rather it is a fungus. In the scientific world, it is called Hypomyces lactifluorum and belongs to the Hypocreaceae family. When this fungus is cooked, its outer skin becomes reddish and the flesh becomes white.
This L letter vegetable is enriched with many nutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals such as carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, calories, vitamins A, B-complex, C, minerals iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, etc.
Lobster mushroom has many health benefits such as it fights against many kinds of cancers and dementia, protects from ulcer, supports nervous systems, reduces inflammation and cholesterol, reduces the risks of heart diseases, prevents diabetes, etc.
24. Long Squash

Long squash is a vine vegetable, grown for its fruit. In the botanical world, it is called Lagenaria siceraria and belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae. It is also known as bottle gourd, calabash, long melon, Tasmania bean, etc.
It has many nutritional values that make it a healthy vegetable such as dietary fibers, proteins, carbs, vitamins A, B2, B3, b5, B6, C, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, minerals calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, etc.
Lobster mushroom has many health benefits such as it fights against free radicals, improves skin health and supports cell growth, heals wounds, boosts immunity, improves gut health, maintains a healthy blood sugar level, improves lung functions, etc.
25. Lupin Bean

Lupin bean is another legume vegetable that starts with the letter L. It is a flowering plant and is native to the Mediterranean, Latin America, and North Africa. It is called Lupinus in the botanical world and belongs to the Fabaceae family.
It is enriched with nutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals such as carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins B1, B6, C, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, minerals calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, iron, potassium, selenium, etc.
Lupin bean has many health benefits such as it fights against free radicals and cardiovascular diseases, improves gut health and prevents digestive problems, promotes weight loss, reduces inflammation and cholesterol, promotes healthy intestinal bacteria, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions About Vegetables Beginning With L
Following are some frequently asked questions people asked randomly on the web about Vegetables starting with L:
What Are Some 5 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter L?
- Laver
- Likok
- Lo Bok
What Are Some 9 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter L?
- Land Cress
- Lotus Root
- Lupin Bean
What Are Some 11 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter L?
- Lagos Bologi
- Leaf Lettuce
What Are Some 12 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter L?
- Lacinato Kale
- Lamb’s Quarter
- Lakota Squash
- Lamb’s Lettuce
What Are Some 15 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter L?
- Lemon Drop Pepper
- Lobster Mushroom
What Are Some 16 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter L?
- Lebanese Cucumber
- Limestone Lettuce
I hope this article has helped you find the information you are looking about various known and unknown vegetables that start with the letter L, and you also educated yourself about those vegetables.
I tried to include all the vegetables starting with the letter L in this article. I might have missed some vegetables.
So, if you find any more vegetables that start with L, please let me know in the comment section below and I update this list as soon as possible.
Also, I recommend you read other articles that I have comprised for you with other letters. Such as:
- Vegetables That Start With J
- Vegetables That Start With K
- Vegetables That Start With M
- Vegetables That Start With N
- Vegetables That Start With O