Are you looking for some vegetables starting with the letter D? Then look no further, this article is exactly what you want.
D is the fourth letter of the alphabet. Here, in this article, I have comprised an ample list of some common and uncommon vegetables starting with the letter D for you.
Whether your need is, to write a cookbook, a school magazine, research content, or for general cooking, you will find all the information about vegetables starting with the letter D in this article.
Also, keep in mind that, this article contains all types of vegetables like green leafy vegetables, root vegetables, flowering plants, sea vegetables, edible fruits, etc.
So, without any further ado, let’s get started with the list of some vegetables that start with the letter D.
Vegetables That Start With D
The vegetables mentioned below have been compiled from various sources around the web, such as Wikipedia, Quora, Pinterest, etc. Following are the vegetables that begin with the letter D:
1. Daikon Radish

Daikon radish is a winter radish also known as mooli. In the scientific world, it is called Raphanus sativus. It is native to Asia and Europe, and it has long, white roots and leaves that grow very fast.
This D letter vegetable is enriched with many nutrients that make it very healthy such as vitamin C, folate, carbs, fibers, protein, copper, magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc. It has a sweet and spicy taste and can be eaten raw or boiled.
Daikon radish has many health benefits as fighting against cancer and inflammation, improving the immune system, promoting weight loss, protecting against many chronic diseases, etc.
2. Dasheen

Dasheen is a tropical plant and also a root vegetable starts with letter D. It is mainly grown for its roots. It is called Colocasia esculenta scientifically and belongs to the family of Araceae. It is known by many names such as edo, Kalo, aro, arbi, godere, etc.
It has many nutrients like vitamins A, B6, C, E, folate, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, necessary carbs, and dietary fibers.
Dasheen has many health benefits such as preventing diabetes, lowering cholesterol, reducing risks of heart diseases, fighting to prevent cancer, promoting good intestinal health and gut health, etc.
3. Daylily

The daylily is a flowering plant known as Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus scientifically and belongs to the Asphodelaceae family. Mainly this plant is grown for its beautiful flowers. This plant grows better under full sun or in a place where it gets enough sunlight.
It is rich in many vitamins and minerals that make it healthy such as proteins, calories, vitamins A, C, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, etc. It can be eaten raw with salad or boiled and cooked.
Daylily has many health benefits like it detoxifies the systems of the body, helps to lessen hemorrhoids, helps to reduce the symptoms of red urine, helps to reduce jaundice, and also through daily consumption of this plant insomnia gets cured.
4. Delicata Squash

Delicata Squash is a winter squash vegetable, also known as Cucurbita pepo scientifically. It has cream-colored fruits with the shape of a cylinder and the fruits are covered in green or orange stripes. It is also called Bohemian squash, sweet potato squash, and peanut squash.
It is enriched with several vitamins and minerals such as antioxidants, vitamins A, B5, B6, C, K, folate, potassium, magnesium, copper, thiamin, copper, niacin, iron, etc. As the name suggests, this vegetable is delicious to eat and tastes sweet.
Delicata Squash has many health benefits such as controlling cholesterol, helping in cell growth, mucosal repair, fighting against cancer, improving eye health, helping to fight against age-related diseases, etc.
5. Dill

Dill is an annual growing herby vegetable beginning with letter D. In the scientific world, it is called Anethum graveolens and belongs to the Apiaceae family. It is native to Eurasia and grown for many purposes like herb, medicine, food flavor, spice, vegetable, etc.
It has many nutrients that are very important to keep humans healthy such as vitamins A, C. folate, manganese, iron, riboflavin, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, etc.
Dill has lots of health benefits like it is high in antioxidants that help fight against free radicals, reduces inflammation, fights against chronic diseases, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and also many types of cancers. Also, it helps lowering blood sugar, promote bone health, ease menstrual cramps, etc.
6. Dinosaur Kale

Dinosaur Kale is a dark green leafy vegetable. It is mainly found in Italian cuisines. It is called Brassica oleracea. Also, it is known as Lacinato kale, Tuscan kale, Italian kale, flat back kale, etc.
This D letter Vegetable has many nutritional values that are very important to keep humans healthy such as vitamins A, C, folate, dietary fiber, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron. Also, this vegetable is enriched with carotenes lutein and zeaxanthin.
Dinosaur Kale has several health benefits as it is full of antioxidants that help against free radicals, fights against age-related disease, cancers, reduces inflammation, promotes bone health, boosts the immune system, maintains healthy blood pressure, etc.
7. Dolichos Bean

Dolichos bean is a vegetable starting with letter D. It is known as Lablab purpureus scientifically and belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is originated in Africa and cultivated all over the tropical regions. It is also called Hyacinth bean.
It is rich in various vitamins and minerals as it is very rich in vitamin D, sodium, potassium, protein, necessary fiber, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, iron, thiamin, magnesium, etc.
Dolichos Bean has many health benefits such as it helps in improving focus and concentration, helping to fight against heart and lung disease, helping with insomnia, improving the digestive system, improving bone and tooth health, treating anxiety, improving muscle strength, etc.
8. Drumstick

Drumstick is a fast-growing tree that resists drought. Scientifically it is known as Moringa oleifera and belongs to the Moringaceae family. This tree is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is also known by other names such as moringa, horseradish tree, benzolive tree, or ben oil tree.
This D letter vegetable is enriched with several vitamins and minerals such as vitamins vitamin A, B-6, C, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. This plant can be eaten raw, boiled, or cooked.
Drumstick has many health benefits such as it protects and nourishes human skin and hair, treats edema, fights against the damage of the liver, prevents and treats many kinds of cancers, keeps the stomach healthy, improves bone health, treats mood disorders, etc.
9. Dulse

This D letter vegetable is a kind of seaweed known as Palmaria palmate scientifically and belongs to the family of Palmariaceae. It is also known by many names such as red dulse, dillisk or dilsk, creathnach, or sea lettuce flakes. It is native to the northern coasts of the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans.
This is a vegetable rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, dietary fibers, proteins, etc. It has a mild salty flavor and can be eaten both raw and cooked.
Dulse has many health benefits such as promoting bone health to prevent osteoporosis, lowering blood pressure, helping to improve eye health, boosting the immune system, preventing thyroid disorder, improving digestion, etc.
10. Datil Pepper

Datil pepper is another very hot pepper vegetable that start with D. It is known as Capsicum chinense scientifically. It is cultivated widely all over the United States, but the majority of this vegetable is grown in Florida. Mainly, it is produced to make fiery, hot sauce and spice.
It is enriched with various vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, carbohydrates, etc. It has a sweet and fruitful tangy taste and can be eaten raw or made into sauce.
Datil pepper has many health benefits such as it works as an antibacterial and antifungal agent, it has a high amount of antioxidants that help with age-related problems, prevents blood clots, fights against cancers, lowers cholesterol, improves digestion, metabolism, and eye health, boosts the immune system, etc.
11. Death Spiral Pepper

Death spiral pepper is also a D letter vegetable and a type of pepper that is extremely hot. It is known as Capsicum chinense scientifically and belongs to the family of Solanaceae. It is also called habanero-type pepper. The pepper pods have bumpy, wrinkly skin with a pointy end.
It is enriched with various nutrients that make it a healthy vegetable such as vitamins A, C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, proteins, carbs, dietary fibers, etc. It has a smoky, fruity flavor.
Death Spiral Pepper has many health benefits like preventing diabetes, lowering cholesterol, maintaining healthy blood pressure, preventing obesity, fighting against cancers, reducing pain, fighting against many kinds of infections, etc.
12. Diamond Bell Pepper

Diamond is a type of bell pepper with thick flesh and in every pepper, there are 3 to 4 lobes. It is known as Capsicum annuum scientifically and belongs to the Solanaceae family. It turns white to yellow to ultimately scarlet red and is edible in every color.
This D letter vegetable is enriched with many vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, folate, copper, manganese, potassium, antioxidants, necessary fibers, carotenoids, and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a mildly sweet flavor and can be eaten both raw and cooked.
Diamond Bell Pepper has many health benefits too such as improving eye health, preventing anemia, preventing chronic problems like heart diseases and cancers, fighting against free radicals, etc.
13. Dragon Carrot

Dragon carrot is also a D letter vegetable that grows in cooler regions. It is classified by botany as Daucus carota and belongs to the family of Apiaceae. This vegetable is native to the United States.
This purple vegetable is enriched with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B, C, antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, necessary fiber, etc. This vegetable has a sweet and spicy flavor and can be eaten both raw and cooked.
Dragon carrot has many health benefits such as it helps fight against cancer, promotes weight loss, and maintains cholesterol, blood sugar level, and blood pressure. Also, it reduces the risks of heart diseases, inflammation, etc.
14. Dubna Garlic

Dubna garlic or Dubna Standard Hardneck garlic is another vegetable starting with the letter D. It is known as Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon in the scientific world. It has a jumbo size and on the outer wrappers, it has purple blush.
This nutrient-rich vegetable containing many vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B1, B6, C, necessary fiber, antioxidants, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, and phosphorus. It also contains carbohydrates and proteins.
Dubna garlic has many health benefits too such as it helps to regulate blood pressure, reducing cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart diseases, boosting the immune system and brain capacity, promoting bone health, and protecting the skin.
15. Diamond Eggplant

Diamond eggplant is a type of eggplant that is dark-purple in color with green-tinted flesh. It is known as Solanum melongena scientifically and belongs to the Solanaceae family. The fruit of this vegetable is edible worldwide.
This D letter vegetable is very rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K, folate, necessary fiber, protein, minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, etc. It can be eaten boiled, mashed, steamed, and cooked.
Diamond eggplant has many health benefits also such as it helps the digestive system, improves heart health, prevents many cancers and anemia, improves bone health, increases the functions of the brain, etc.
16. Dazzling Blue Kale

This D letter vegetable is a lacinato type kale, known in the botanical world as Brassica oleracea and belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It is native to Europe. It has very beautiful leaves with green to purple colors, and the midrib is lavender to purple.
It is enriched with various nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, K, folate, Alpha-linolenic acid, minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc. Also, it has necessary fibers and proteins. This vegetable can be eaten boiled and cooked.
There are many health benefits of Dazzling Blue Kale such as promoting eye and bone health, preventing chronic diseases and blood clots, fighting against macular degeneration, lowering cholesterol, helping in weight loss, and preventing cancer.
17. Delicacy White Kohlrabi

Delicacy White Kohlrabi is a winter vegetable known as Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes and belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It has pale green, globe-shaped bulbs that are flattened and smooth, and grows above the ground.
This vegetable has many necessary nutrients that make it a healthy vegetable such as vitamins B6, C, folate, carbs, proteins, necessary fibers, sodium, antioxidants, minerals calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, iron, and phosphorus.
Delicacy White Kohlrabi has many health benefits such as protecting against cell damage, preventing any types of cancers, reducing inflammation, fighting against diabetes, promoting heart health, fighting against the risks of allergies, etc.
18. Dickinson Pumpkin

Dickinson pumpkin is a D letter vegetable of squash species. In the botany world, it is known as Cucurbita moschata and belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae. It is native to South Florida, USA. It is also called Crookneck pumpkin.
It is enriched with various vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, folate, necessary fiber, carbs, proteins, minerals calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, etc. This vegetable has a rich and sweet flavor, similar to a squash, and can be eaten boiled and cooked.
Dickinson Pumpkin has many health benefits such as it reduces the risks of chronic diseases, lowers the cause of mortality, prevents age-related problems, improves eye and skin health, fights against cancers, etc.
19. Dandelion

Dandelion is a large flowering planty vegetable that start with D. It is also known as Taraxacum officinale scientifically and belongs to the family of Asteraceae. This vegetable is harvested during early spring.
It is rich in various minerals and vitamins that make it very healthy such as protein, carbs, necessary fiber, antioxidants, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, Beta-carotene, etc. This vegetable can be eaten raw, cooked, or made into tea.
Dandelion vegetable has many health benefits such as it prevents inflammation, improves liver health, supports the immune system, maintains healthy blood pressure, prevents blood clots, improves kidney functions, fights against allergies, etc.
20. Dabbrlocks

Dabberlocks is a sea vegetable similar to kelp. It is known in the scientific world as Alaria esculenta and belongs to the Alariaceae family. It is a traditional food on the far side of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is also called badderlocks or winged kelp.
This D letter vegetable is enriched with many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B complex, A, C, K, folate, protein, necessary fiber, carbs, minerals calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine, sodium, chromium, etc. It can be eaten both raw and cooked.
Dabberlocks has many health benefits such as improving thyroid functions, supporting gut health, fighting against free radicals, reducing risks of heart diseases, detoxifying skin, boosting hair growth, helping eczema, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions About Vegetables Beginning With D
Following are some frequently asked questions people asked randomly about Vegetables starting with D:
What Are Some 7 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter D?
- Dasheen
- Daylily
What Are Some 9 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter D?
- Drumstick
- Dandelion
What Are Some 11 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter D?
- Dubna Garlic
- Datil Pepper
What Are Some 12 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter D?
- Daikon Radish
- Dinosaur Kale
- Dolichos Bean
- Dragon Carrot
What Are Some 16 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter D?
- Dazzling Blue Kale
- Dickinson Pumpkin
What Are Some 17 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter D?
- Death Spiral Pepper
- Diamond Bell Pepper
I hope you found this article helpful and informative, and also at the same time learned something new about various vegetables and their characteristics starting with the letter D.
There are very few vegetables that start with the letter D. In this article, I have tried to comprise all the vegetables I find starting with the letter D.
Still, if there are any more vegetables I have missed that start with D, let me know by commenting below. I will update the list as soon as possible.
Also, I recommend you read other articles that I have comprised for you with other letters. Such as:
- Vegetables That Start With A
- Vegetables That Start With B
- Vegetables That Start With C
- Vegetables That Start With E
- Vegetables That Start With F