If you are looking for some vegetables that start with the letter C, then you have come to the right place. This article is exactly what you are looking for.
C is the third letter of the alphabet. Here, in this article, I have comprised an extensive list for you about some common and uncommon vegetables starting with the letter C.
Whether your need is, to write a cookbook, school magazine, research content, or for general cooking, you will find all the information in this article about the C letter Vegetables.
Also, keep in mind that, here I consider all types of vegetables like green leafy vegetables, root vegetables, flowering plants, sea vegetables, etc.
So, without any further ado, let’s get started with the list of vegetables that start with the letter C.
Vegetables That Start With C
The vegetables mentioned below have been compiled from various sources around the web, such as Wikipedia, Quora, Pinterest, etc. Following are the vegetables that begin with the letter C:
1. Cabbage

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable beginning with letter C and very similar to lettuce. It is called Brassica Oleracea. It’s a biennial plant with a bulbous leafy head. Its leaves can be green, red, or white.
Cabbage has many nutritional values that make it a very healthy food. This vegetable contains vitamins A, B6, C, and K. Also it contains many minerals like sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, folate, and necessary fibers.
This vegetable is known to improve the human immune system, digestion, heart health, and prevent cancer. It can be eaten in many ways such as raw, in a salad, steamed, boiled, cooked, stuffed, or roasted.
2. Cactus

Cactus is a thorny plant-based vegetable. There are many species of cactus. Not all of them are dibble. Some are very poisonous. But Nopal cactus or otherwise known as Opuntia is an edible cactus. It is eaten by people as a dietary vegetable around the world.
This vegetable contains many vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, C, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, etc. It helps in reducing heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, boosting the immune system, controlling blood sugar, managing cholesterol, etc.
Edible cactus can be eaten in many ways. It can be consumed raw, cooked, simmered, boiled, grilled, deep-fried, sautéed, etc. It tastes like okra with a bit of sourness.
3. Camas

Camas is a lily-like edible plant-type vegetable, native to the Northwest region. It is also known as Camassia and belongs to the asparagus family. It is used both as an edible vegetable and an ornamental plant.
This vegetable is enriched in proteins and inulin. It maintains the sugar level, improves gut health, manages the body’s insulin, prevents diabetics, etc.
Camas can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, or slow-roasted. It needs to be cooked for a long time. Short-time cooked camas can be tasteless. But if properly cooked it gives a sweet taste like sweet chestnut or prune.
4. Canna

Canna is a flowering edible vegetable starting with the letter C. It belongs to the Cannaceae family and is scientifically known as Canna. It is also called canna lily for its leaves. It grows well in warm and humid temperatures.
Canna has many nutritional values like fibers, proteins, etc. which makes it good for human health. It also has many health benefits such as being used to treat fever, gonorrhea and amenorrhoea, dermatoses, etc.
This vegetable is a starchy root vegetable and it tastes better when it is cooked. Because of its starchy nature, it tastes like a potato.
5. Capers

Capers are a type of flowering plant. Its unopened immature flower buds are edible and full of nutrients. It is also called Capparis spinose or caper bush. It mainly grows all over the Mediterranean.
Capers are enriched with vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamin K, copper, iron, and a high amount of fiber.
It has many health benefits like maintaining blood sugar, helping against inflammation, supports in healthy blood clotting, improving functions of liver and bone health, etc.
Canna can be eaten raw with salad, lox, etc. Also, this vegetable can be eaten cooked with fish, eggplant, tomato, citrus, etc.
6. Cardoon

Cardoon is a vegetable starting with C, belongs to the thistle sunflower family. It is also called Cynara Cardunculus. This vegetable can be found all over the Mediterranean. It has bright prickly flowers.
Cardoon has various nutritional values. It contains vitamins C, B6, sodium, magnesium, iron, Potassium, etc. This vegetable helps our body greatly in reducing cholesterol.
It can be eaten boiled or cooked. Normally it tastes like an artichoke with a slightly bitter flavor. But when added salt and some flavor, this vegetable tastes great.
7. Carrot

Carrot is a root vegetable. It is called Daucus Carota scientifically. Carrot is normally orange in color. But some other colors also exist for this vegetable like red, white, purple, black, etc. It is native to Europe and Southwestern Asia.
Carrot is rich in nutrients. It contains several necessary vitamins and minerals that make it a very healthy vegetable. It contains vitamins C, K1, B6, calcium, biotin, iron, potassium, lutein, etc.
This vegetable is great for reducing cholesterol, weight, improving eye health, reducing the risk of cancer, etc. It can be eaten raw, boiled, steamed, in a salad, or cooked.
8. Cassava

Cassava is a woody shrub and starchy root vegetable begin with letter C. It is scientifically called Manihot Esculenta and it belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It is native to South America.
It has many nutrients like vitamins C, B6, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, thiamin, folate, dietary fiber, etc. It supports collagen production and boosts immunity. Also, it helps in energy production and proper metabolism.
Cassava is good for health but eating it raw can be slightly poisonous. As a root vegetable, it is best to boil and cook the vegetable before eating. After being cooked or boiled, it tastes sweet and nutty.
9. Catsear

Catsear is a perennial edible herb, often found in lawns. In the scientific world, it is called Hypochaeris Radicata. It is also known as flatweed, cat’s-ear, or false dandelion, hairy cat’s ear, etc. It is native to Europe but can be found in other countries as well.
This vegetable is not always considered good edible food. Often it is considered a nuisance, but in the herbal sector, it is very important. All parts of this vegetable are edible. It is rich in potassium, lutein, and antioxidants.
Catsear can be eaten boiled, roasted, or cooked. It has many health benefits as it helps in treating kidney diseases, gall bladder issues, constipation, liver problems, etc.
10. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is an edible C letter vegetable, only its head is eaten. It is called Brassica Oleracea and it belongs to the Brassicaceae family. Sometimes, its white flesh is also eaten, known as curd.
Cauliflower is enriched with vitamins and nutrients. This vegetable contains vitamins C, B6, potassium, Sodium, magnesium, iron, etc. It provides antioxidants that help in preventing cancer. It also helps in weight loss, digestion, and brain functions.
This vegetable is eaten boiled, in a salad, cooked, fried, steamed, etc. This is one of the rarest vegetables that is very healthy to consume on a daily basis.
11. Celeriac

Celeriac is a root vegetable. It is called Apium Graveolens scientifically and belongs to the Apiaceae family. It is also known as knob celery, celery root, turnip-rooted celery, etc. All parts of this vegetable are edible. Even the powder of this vegetable is edible.
Celeriac is rich in antioxidants and nutritional values. It contains vitamins C, B6, K, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, necessary proteins, carbs, fibers, etc.
This vegetable can be eaten boiled, steamed, or cooked. It has many health benefits like it helps to fight against cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart diseases, improves the immune system, regulates and maintains blood pressure, reduces the risk of stroke, etc.
12. Celery

Celery is also a root vegetable that starts with letter C. It is called Apium graveolens and belongs to the Apiaceae family. It is a great vegetable that is known to be a low-calorie snack. All parts of this vegetable are edible.
It has many nutrients that make it a healthy vegetable. It contains vitamins A, C, K, potassium, folate, and a low glycemic index. This vegetable is a great source of antioxidants that helps in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract, blood, cell, and organs.
Also, this vegetable helps in boosting the immune system and maintains steady blood sugar.
13. Celtuce

Celtuce is an edible vegetable, scientifically known as Lactuca Sativa. It is primarily grown for its leaves and thick stems.
Celtuce is a vegetable very similar to celery but derived from lettuce. That’s why it is called celtuce with the combined flavors of celery and lettuce. This vegetable is very popular in China and Taiwan.
It has many nutrients including both celery and lettuce. It contains vitamins A, C, B6, low sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It has a nutty flavor that is similar to cucumber. Also, its leaves taste slightly bitter.
Celtuce can be eaten raw, in a salad, boiled, or cooked. It also has many health benefits. It is a great source of hydration. Also, vitamin K in this vegetable helps reduce bone fracture.
14. Chaya

Chaya is a large tree that grows very fast, also called a leafy perennial shrub. This plant is originated in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. In the scientific world, it is called Cnidoscolus aconitifolius also, it is known as the spinach tree.
This vegetable is very rich in protein, crude fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A potassium, calcium, iron, and carotene. This vegetable is eaten cooked with eggs, rice, soup, etc. It tastes somewhat sweet and hearty when boiled.
Chaya has many health benefits as it helps in preventing diabetics, inflammation, heart diseases, obesity, helps in lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure.
15. Chayote Squash

This is a gourd-like C letter vegetable. It is called Sechium Edule scientifically and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is also known as mirliton and choko. Mainly, this vegetable originated in between Southern Mexico and Honduras.
This vegetable has many enriched nutrients like vitamins C, K, B6, B9, necessary fibers, folate, potassium, magnesium, proteins, carbs, zinc, copper, etc. It can be eaten raw, boiled, fried, roasted, or steamed.
Chayote Squash has many health benefits like it promotes good health for heart, blood sugar, liver function, supports a healthy pregnancy, prevents cancer and aging signs, etc.
16. Cherry Tomato

Cherry Tomato is a small cherry-sized and cherry-shaped tomato. It is called Solanum Lycopersicum scientifically and belongs to the Solanaceae family.
It has many necessary nutrients that are good for health like vitamins A, C, E, and minerals like potassium and lycopene. While other regular tomatoes give a sweet and tangy taste, cherry tomato gives a slightly sour taste.
Cherry Tomato has many health benefits such as it helps prevent prostate cancer, stroke, and improving bone and heart health. It can be eaten raw, sautéed, steamed, or roasted.
17. Chickpea

Chickpea is an annual legume that in the scientific world is known as Cicer arietinum and belongs to the Fabaceae family. This plant is cultivated for its seeds which are very rich in protein and fiber.
It has many nutritional values like necessary protein, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, etc. It has an earthy taste like a nutty undertone. Often it tastes like a bean. It can be eaten both raw and cooked.
Chickpea has many health benefits such as it helps in controlling blood sugar, reducing cholesterol, helping with digestion, improving bone strength, reducing the risk of cancer, and boosting mental health.
18. Chickweed

Chickweed is an annual perennial flowering plant. Scientifically it is known as Stellaria Media and belongs to the Caryophyllaceae family. Mainly, it is grown as herbal medicine, but it is grown as a vegetable also for consumption of both humans and poultry.
It is packed with various important vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B complex, C, D, minerals calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese, iron, sodium, copper, silica, and phosphorus.
Chickweed can be eaten raw or cooked. It has many health benefits as it helps with stomach and bowel problems, wounds, skin ulcers, lung disease, joint pain, and other conditions.
19. Chicory

Chicory is a woody, perennial plant-based vegetable starting with C. It is called Cichorium Intybus scientifically and belongs to the Asteraceae family. It has bright blue flowers, but sometimes white or pink flowers are also seen. It is grown for medicinal and consumption purposes.
It is enriched with various nutrients that make humans healthy such as vitamins A, C, K, folate, riboflavin, minerals calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, etc.
Chicory has many health benefits like it promotes heart and liver health, treats constipation, swelling, helps in weight loss, improves gut health, etc.
20. Chives

Chives vegetable is a flowering plant and it is close relative to onion, garlic, shallot, leek, etc. It is called Allium Schoenoprasum scientifically and belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family.
It is full of important nutrients like vitamins A, C, K, folate, calcium, potassium, energy, and necessary dietary fiber. This vegetable is low in calories and high in antioxidants. It has a milder taste, but the taste becomes better if this is sliced thinly.
Chives has many health benefits such as it reduces the risk of cancer, helps with the functions of memory, mood, muscle control, etc. It is also very good for bone health, eye health, and other medical conditions.
21. Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is a flowering plant and its scientific name is also Chrysanthemum, and it belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is also called mums or chrysanths and is native to Asia and northeastern Europe.
This plant is enriched in nutrients such as protein, calories, sugar, fiber, carbs, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc. This plant’s leaves taste mildly grassy and herbaceous, and its stalks taste crunchy and sweet.
Chrysanthemum has also many health benefits like this plant helps to reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, digestive problems, cancer, infertility, etc. Also, it manages blood pressure, treats lice, works well for a hangover, prevents the growth of bacteria, etc.
22. Collard Greens

Collard Greens is referred to as certain loose-leafed cultivars of vegetables and it is called Brassica Oleracea scientifically. This plant belongs to the same species as cabbage and broccoli. This vegetable is found all year, but in winter it grows the most.
It has many nutritional values that are good for human health such as vitamins A, C, K, potassium, calcium, antioxidants, folate, fiber, carbs, protein, etc. It can be eaten raw in a salad, steamed, boiled, or cooked.
Collard Greens have many health benefits such as maintaining the digestive system, reducing the level of cholesterol, feeding the good bacteria in the gut, strengthening bone health, preventing many heart diseases and cancer, etc.
23. Common Bean

Common bean is an herbaceous vegetable that grows annually, and it is usually cultivated for its seeds. Scientifically it is called Phaseolus vulgaris and belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is also known as a French bean.
It is rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, C, K, fiber, folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc. It can be eaten fried, toasted, boiled, or cooked, and it tastes grainy and nutty, often sweet.
Because of its packed nutrients, the Common bean has many health benefits as it helps in maintaining and repairing the body, improves heart health, reduces the risk of cancer, prevents diabetics and fatty liver, controls appetite, etc.
24. Crookneck Squash

Crookneck squash is an edible vegetable beginning with letter C. Scientifically, it is known as Cucurbita Pepo and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is also called yellow squash and is often found in eastern North America.
It has many nutrients that make it very healthy to eat such as vitamins A, C, folate, thiamin, riboflavin, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, etc. It can be eaten both raw and cooked.
Common bean tastes mild buttery, like black pepper and nuts, similar to Zucchini. It also has many health benefits such as it helps to control cholesterol and fat, improving eye health, bone health, maintaining blood vessels, etc.
25. Common Purslane

Common Purslane is an annual perennial vegetable also known as Portulaca oleracea, and belongs to the family of Portulacaceae. This plant is grown as a vegetable and herb for both consumption and medicinal purposes.
It is enriched in vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, E, folate, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, dietary fiber, protein, etc. It has a slightly sour or salty taste similar to lettuce.
Common Purslane has many health benefits such as it improves eye health, preventing the risks of cancer, maintaining healthy blood vessels, helping in healing injuries, preventing strokes, heart attack, or any kind of heart disease, etc.
26. Courgette

Courgette is a summer squash, or a vining plant also known as Cucurbita pepo and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is also called Zucchini or baby marrow, and its seeds are harvested when they are immature, soft, and edible.
It is rich in nutritional values like vitamins A, C, B6, folate, riboflavin, thiamin, minerals magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. It tastes slightly sweet and bitter, but when cooked, its sweetness increases.
Courgette has many health benefits such as it is improving eye health, immune system, benefits skin, heart, also helps to fight against the risks of cancer. It also contributes to healthy digestion, reduces blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of age-related eye problems, etc.
27. Cucumber

Cucumber is a vine vegetable, scientifically known as Cucumis Sativus and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. This is another vegetable that is in the gourd family and starts with the letter C. Its fruits are usually cylindrical and is known as a vegetable.
It contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, K, C, minerals magnesium, potassium, manganese, necessary carbs, fibers, calories, etc. It tastes sweet and a tad bitter, and can be eaten raw.
Cucumber has many health benefits such as it helps with the vision, reproduction, and the immune system. Also, this vegetable helps the kidney, heart, and other organs to function properly, helps the skin to heal quickly, etc.
28. Corn

Corn is a starchy vegetable that comes in kernels on a cob and a husk is covered in its body. It is called Zea Mays scientifically and belongs to the Poaceae family. It is also known as maize. It originated in southern Mexico.
It is full of rich vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, B, E, K, carbohydrates, fiber, calories, antioxidants, and a lot of natural sugar. It tastes moderately sweet and tender.
Corn has many health benefits like it improves gut health, lowers the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. It also protects the cells from damage, improves eye health, etc.
29. Capsicum

Capsicum is a flowering plant, scientifically called Capsicum and belongs to the nightshade family of Solanaceae. It is native to America and known as sweet pepper, red pepper, chili pepper, etc.
It is very rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, folate, potassium, carbs, proteins, necessary fibers, etc. It is eaten raw in a salad or cooked and has a slightly bitter taste.
Capsicum has many health benefits such as it improves eye health, preventing anemia, treating post-herpetic pain, diarrhea, digestion problems, heart disease, clotting disorder, pain syndromes, etc.
30. Chard

Chard is a green leafy vegetable starting with C. Its leaves are prepared separately from its stalks. In the scientific world, it is known as Beta Vulgaris and belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family.
It has many nutritional values such as vitamins A, C, E, K, fiber, carbs, protein, calories, copper, magnesium, iron, potassium, manganese, etc. it has a mild sweet taste similar to spinach. It can be eaten raw in a salad or cooked.
Chard has many health benefits such as it helps in lowering blood pressure, managing diabetics, fighting against cancer, preventing osteoporosis, improving athletic performance, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions About Vegetables Beginning With C
Following are some frequently asked questions people asked randomly about Vegetables starting with C:
What Are Some 5 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter C?
- Chard
- Chaya
- Canna
- Camas
What Are Some 6 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter C?
- Chives
- Celery
- Carrot
- Capers
- Cactus
What Are Some 7 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter C?
- Chicory
- Cabbage
- Celtuce
- Catsear
- Cassava
- Cardoon
What Are Some 8 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter C?
- Capsicum
- Cucumber
- Chickpea
- Celeriac
What Are Some 13 Letter Vegetables That Start With Letter C?
- Collard Greens
- Chrysanthemum
- Chayote Squash
I hope you found this article time worthy and helpful and at the same time you could educate yourself about the vegetables and their characteristics starting with the letter C.
I have tried to collect and include as many vegetables that start with C as possible in this article.
If you found any more missing vegetables starting with C, please let me know in the comment section below, and I will update the list as soon as possible.
Also, I recommend you read other articles that I have comprised for you with other letters. Such as:
- Vegetables That Start With A
- Vegetables That Start With B
- Vegetables That Start With D
- Vegetables That Start With E
- Vegetables That Start With F