Show And Tell Letter X

28 Show And Tell Letter X Ideas For Pre-Schoolers

If you are searching for some ideas about your children’s class activity of the show and tell starting with letter X, then you have arrived at the right place.

In this article, I have comprised some ideas and basic tips to easily find appropriate items for your children’s show and tell activity that start with the letter X and hope that might help you in what you are looking for.

What Is Show-And-Tell?

There are many definitions of the show and tell method. In simple words, the show and tell activity is an exercise where students are given a specific letter and they have to bring any item of their choice starting with that letter to their class. There they have to show the item to everyone and tell something about the item.

Through this fun and interactive exercise, students develop their social skills such as public speaking skills, storytelling skills, and imaginative skills. Also, their morale gets boosted and also they gain more confidence.

Parents are the key player in this activity. As the activity is for the pre-schoolers, parents need to help them find proper items and teach them fun and educative information about that item. Then they have to prepare them well for the activity.

Tips To Find Items For Show-And-Tell

There are some basic tips or rules to follow to properly find an appropriate item for your children’s show and tell activity. Here, I have comprised some basic tips on how to find proper items for the class activity. Such as:

  • Plan ahead of time
  • Choose from your children’s toys
  • Choose from your children’s books
  • Choose from your children’s beloved TV characters
  • Choose items that are not very valuable
  • Choose safe household items
  • Practice as much as possible


What Can Be Brought To Class For The Exercise Of Show-And-Tell?

There are many things available for the children to bring to their class for the show and tell activity. Below, I have listed some basic things that can be brought to the class activity. Such as:

  • Toys and Action figures
  • Foods and drinks
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Pets
  • Tv and cartoon characters
  • Books
  • Pictures
  • Household items


Ideas For Show And Tell Letter X

In this part of the article, I have put together some examples of items that start with the letter T and can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell activity. Such as:

1. X-Wing

X-Wing is a flying machine known as Starfighter in the popular fantasy movie called Star Wars. It has amazing speed and numerous fire powers. Toys or pictures of this machine can be brought to the children’s show and tell activity.

2. X the letter

Children of preschool learn through various mediums like letter blocks, alphabet boxes, letter magnets, etc. They can bring the letter X from those to their class activity and talk about the letter and where it can be used.

3. Xochitl Tortilla Chips

Xochitl is a company that produces Salsa and Chips. Their product is so well known because they use very good quality ingredients and ancient recipes. Xochitl Tortilla Chips are very tasty, and children are very fond of this. So, they can bring this item to their class for the activity.

4. Xyloburst Lollipop

Xylobust is a company that produces lollipops, gums, candies, etc. Xylobust lollipop is very tasty and healthy because, it is made with sugar-free Xylitol, and its color and flavor are all-natural. Children can bring this lollipop to their class activity of the show and tell.

5. Xavier Soup

Xavier soup is a tasty soup made with chicken and dumplings. These ingredients go into the flour and then the dish is made. It is both a tasty and healthy dish. This soup can be brought to the class for the activity of the show and tell for demonstration.

6. Xylophone

The Xylophone is a musical instrument. It is made with wooden bars and it is struck with a mallet to bring out beautiful sounds. Children can bring this item to their class activity and demonstrate it.

7. X Cookie Cutter

The X cookie cutter is a tin-plated steel made with aluminum. It is X-shaped and used to cut cookies in the shapes of X. Children can bring this tool to their class exercise and talk about its usefulness.

8. X-Ray

The X-ray is a process through which one can see the images of the structures inside of one’s body. This process is quick and painless. Children can bring toy x-ray to their class and talk about their significance.

9. Xerox Paper

Xerox papers are the papers that are used for photocopying purposes. Children can bring this paper to their class activity of the show and tell and talk about its usefulness.

10. X-men Figure

X-men is a fantasy movie. Both children and adults love this movie. Action figures of any characters from this movie can be brought to the children’s show and tell exercise for demonstration.

11. X-Box

X-box is a gaming brand with five-game consoles and many games. Children love to play this game very much. They can bring this item to their class exercise and talk about it.

12. Xenomorph

The Xenomorph is mainly something that has an unusual shape or size. In fantasy movies, xenomorphs are basically called aliens. Toys or action figures of this alien can be brought to the class for the children’s class exercise.

13. Xmas Tree

Xmas tree is a symbolic gesture of a great day. On the day people get the tree and decorate it with lights and other objects. Toy Xmas tree or pictures of the tree can be brought to the children’s show and tell activity.

14. Xenolith

The Xenolith is a small rock that is found inside another rock. It is quite rare, but if found this can be an excellent thing to bring to the children’s class activity show and tell for demonstration.

15. Xanthus Hummingbird

It is a medium-sized hummingbird. This bird is beautiful and very fast. Toys or pictures of this bird can be brought to the class for the show and tell class exercise.

Some More Show And Tell Ideas That Start With Letter X

Below are some more ideas that can also be used as an item for children’s show and tell exercise that starts with the letter X. Such as:

  1. Xenon
  2. Xenon lights
  3. Xerosis
  4. Xylem
  5. Xebec
  6. Xiphoid
  7. Xylitol
  8. Xanthene
  9. Xolo (Xoloitzcuintle)
  10. Xenops
  11. Xouba
  12. Xinomavro
  13. Xigua


Frequently Asked Questions About X Letter Show And Tell

Here, I have put together some frequently asked questions by the parents about their children’s show and tell activity starting with the letter X:

What Are Some Animals That Start With The letter X For Show And Tell?

  • Xeme
  • Xenops
  • Xanclomys
  • Xanthus Hummingbird


What Are Some Household Items That Start With The letter X For Show And Tell?

  • Xmas tree
  • Xylophone
  • Xerox Paper
  • Xeres


What Are Some Toys That Start With The letter X For Show And Tell?

  • Xylophone
  • X-ray
  • X letter Magnet
  • X-men Action Figures
  • X-wing


What Are Some Foods That Start With The letter X For Show And Tell?

  • Xoconostle
  • Xiangiao
  • Xigua popsicles
  • Xiaodianxin


What Are Some TV Characters That Start With The letter X For Show And Tell?

  • Xander Harris
  • Xena
  • Xavier
  • Xin Zhao



The show and tell activity is a great method to nurture young students for their bright futures. This activity is invented by the American education system.

This activity develops young students storytelling skills and public speaking skills. Also through this activity students become more confident and friendly.

In this article I have comprised some ideas that might help the parents to easily prepare their children for their class activity of the show and tell that starts with the letter X.

If you liked it, then I recommend you to read other articles about the show and tell starting with other letters. Such as:

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