Show And Tell Letter T

59 Show And Tell Letter T Ideas For Pre-Schoolers

If you are searching for ideas about your children’s class exercise of show and tell starting with the letter T, then you are at the right place.

In this article, I have comprised some Show and tell letter M ideas and tips for you and hope that might help you in what you are looking for.

What Is Show-And-Tell?

The Show and Tell exercise is one of the greatest inventions of the American education system. In this exercise, students have to bring an item starting with a specific letter given by the teacher. Then the students have to show the item to the class and tell something about it.

This method is very fun, interesting, interactive, and educative. Through this method, students become confident and friendly. They learn new facts about their favorite toys, books, or other things. And, through the demonstration, their public speaking skills and storytelling skills get improved.

Parents are the main part of this exercise. They have to select a proper item of their kid’s choice for the class activity of the show and tell. Then they have to prepare the kids for the activity.

Tips To Find Items For Show-And-Tell

The show and tell exercise is very simple and straightforward. All you need is some basic steps to successfully prepare your children for the exercise. Here, I have comprised some basic tips on how to find proper items for the class activity. Such as:

  • Plan as early as possible
  • Choose an item from your kid’s toys
  • Let your children choose from their favorite cartoon characters
  • Choose from your children’s favorite books
  • Choose household items that are not very valuable
  • Practice as much as possible


What Can Be Brought To Class For The Exercise Of Show-And-Tell?

There are many things that can be brought to the children’s show and tell activity. But the trick is to choose an item that is appropriate and informative. Here, I have put together some ideas about what can be brought to the children’s show and tell exercise that starts with the letter T. Such as:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Foods
  • Drinks
  • Toys and action figures
  • Pictures
  • Household items that are safe
  • Books
  • Tv and cartoon characters
  • Maps or flags of any town or country


Ideas For Show And Tell Letter T

In this part of the article, I have put together some examples of items that start with the letter T and can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell activity. Such as:

1. Turkey

A Turkey is a bird. It is large and mostly cannot fly. Some species of Turkey can fly a short distance. The meat of this bird is very tasty and healthy. Children can bring toys or pictures of this bird to their class activity of the show and tell and talk about its characteristics.

2. Tiger

A Tiger is an animal. It is large and ferocious. Toys or pictures of this animal can be brought to the children’s show and tell class activity for demonstration.

3. T-rex

T-rex is an animal. More specifically it is a dinosaur. This animal had extinct a long time ago. There are many movies and children’s cartoons based on this animal. So, toys or action figures of this animal can be brought to the class for children’s show and tell exercise.

4. Turtle

The Turtle is also an animal. It can live in both land and water. It has a hard shell over its body to protect it from any harm. Children can bring toys or pictures of this animal to their class activity and talk about it.

5. Tortoise

Tortoise is an animal, is often mistaken as a turtle. It also has a hard shell over its body. The main difference between a tortoise and a turtle is that a tortoise spends most of its life on land whereas a turtle spends most of its life in water. Toys or pictures of this animal can be brought to the children’s show and tell class activity.

6. Toucan

Toucan is a bird. It has a medium-sized body with brightly marked feathers and a long colorful bill. Toys or pictures of this bird can be brought to the class for the show and tell demonstration.

7. Tarantula

The Tarantula is a spider. This species of spider has a hairy body. Tarantulas are harmless to humans. But their bite hurts very much. So, children can bring toys or pictures of this spider to their class exercise.

8. Tacos

A Taco is a Mexican dish. It has hand-sized corn or wheat tortilla with filling. This dish is very delicious. Children can bring this food item to their class for exercise and afterward, all can enjoy eating it.

9. Tamale

Tamale is a Mesoamerican dish. It is made with steamed corn husk or banana leaf. This dish is very popular among both adults and children. This food item can be brought to the class as the show and tell item.

10. Taffy

The Taffy is a candy. It is made by the Americans. This candy is made with boiled sugar, vegetable oil, and butter. This item can also be brought to the class for the show and tell activity.

11. Tofu

Tofu is a food item. Basically, it is bean curd. This food is made by turning soy milk into curd and cutting it in proper shape. Children can bring this food to their class exercise of the show and tell.

12. Tangerine

A Tangerine is a fruit. It is often mistaken as orange. It contains vitamin C that is good for health. This fruit can be brought to the class for exercise to discuss its nutritional values.

13. Tea

Tea is a drink. It is made by boiling tea leaves and by adding sugar and milk. This drink is very healthy. Children can bring this drink to their class and talk about its significance.

14. Tropicana

The Tropicana is an American company. It is mainly based on fruit beverages. These beverages have many nutritional values. This drink can be brought to the children’s show and tell class activity.

15. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is a children’s cartoon series. There are also movies on this subject. This cartoon has four turtles that are mutated and become ninja. Children can bring their favorite character from this cartoon to their class and talk about it.

16. Tigger From Winnie The Pooh

Tigger is a cartoon character from the popular children’s cartoon called Winnie the Pooh. In this cartoon, Tigger is an animated tiger. Stuffed toys or pictures of this character can be brought to the children’s class exercise.

17. Thomas The Tank Engine

Thomas is a cartoon train. More specifically, it is a locomotive of the British railways. This character is from the children’s cartoon called Thomas the Tank Engine. This toy train can be brought to the class for the show and tell demonstration.

18. Tinkerbell

Tinkerbell is a cartoon character from the popular children’s cartoon series called Peter Pan. Toys or action figures of this character can be brought to the show and tell activity to talk about.

19. Timon

Timon is a cartoon character from the famous children’s cartoon called The Lion King. In this cartoon, Timon is a meerkat who left his home to find another safe home. Children can bring toys or pictures of this character to their class for demonstration.

20. Thor

Thor is a mythological God of thunder. There are many cartoons and movies based on this character. Thor has a hammer and can fly by swinging it. Action figures of this character can be brought to the children’s show and tell class activity.

21. Trixie The Triceratops

Trixie is a cartoon character from the famous children’s animated movie called Toy Story. Here, Trixie is a dinosaur and belongs to the Triceratops species. Toys of this dinosaur can be brought to the class for children’s show and tell activity.

22. Tennis ball

The tennis ball is a ball that is made for the sport tennis. For tennis, the ball is in fluorescent yellow color. But it can be of any color in any other recreational sport. Children can bring this ball to their class and show it to the class for their exercise.

23. Trumpet

The Trumpet is a brass instrument. It is used for classical and jazz music. Toys or pictures of this musical instrument can be brought to the class activity of the show and tell.   

24. Telephone

The telephone is a communication device. People can talk to other people from afar with this device. Children can bring toy telephone to their class activity and talk about its usefulness.

25. Tape

Tape is a material that is used for joining two or more objects together. It has an adhesive quality that sticks to other objects and joins them together. This is a common household item. So, children can bring this item to their class activity of the show and tell for demonstration.

26. Tiara

A Tiara is a fashion accessory for women. It is worn on the head as an ornament. Children can bring this item to their class activity and tell everyone some facts about the item.

27. Trophy

A trophy is a gesture of reward. It can be metal, glass, or plastic. This item to given someone for their achievement to boost their confidence. This item can be brought to the class activity of the show and tell.

28. Truck

The truck is a vehicle. It is mainly used for carrying heavy materials from one place to another. Toys of a truck can be a good item for the children to bring to their show and tell activity.

29. Toothbrush

A toothbrush is a tool that is for oral hygiene. This tool is used for cleaning the teeth, tongue, and gums. Children can very easily get this item from their homes and bring it to their class for the activity.

30. Towel

The towel is a cloth made to absorb liquid. This cloth is used for drying or wiping the body. This is also a household item. The towel can be brought to the class for children’s show and tell exercise that starts with the letter T.

Some More Show And Tell Ideas That Start With Letter T

Below are some more ideas that can also be used as an item for children’s show and tell exercise that starts with the letter T. Such as:

  1. Triceratops
  2. Terrier
  3. Tree Frog
  4. Tuna Fish
  5. Toad
  6. Trout
  7. Tap Water
  8. Twist Up Soda
  9. Tomato
  10. Tuck From Wonder Pets
  11. Tack
  12. TIE Fighter From Star Wars
  13. Tally Mark
  14. Tie-dye Shirt
  15. Tractor
  16. Trinket
  17. Toothpaste
  18. Teddy Bear
  19. Teacup
  20. Timer
  21. Turtleneck
  22. Tadpole
  23. Tag
  24. Tail
  25. Telescope
  26. Trampoline
  27. Tub
  28. Tuba
  29. Typewriter


Frequently Asked Questions About T Letter Show And Tell

Below are some questions that are frequently asked on the internet about Show-and-Tell starting with the letter T. Such as:

What Are Some Animals That Start With The Letter T For Show And Tell?

  • Tiger
  • Tarantula
  • Turtle
  • Toad
  • Takin


What Are Some Household Items That Start With The Letter T For Show And Tell?

  • Table
  • Tap
  • Tank
  • Toothpaste
  • Towel


What Are Some Toys That Start With The Letter T For Show And Tell?

  • Truck
  • Teddy bear
  • Train
  • Tiger
  • Treasure Hunt Game


What Are Some Fruits And Vegetables That Start With The Letter T For Show And Tell?

  • Tangerine
  • Tomato
  • Tangelo
  • Turnip
  • Turmeric


What Are Some Cartoon Characters That Start With The Letter T For Show And Tell?

  • Timon
  • Tinker Bell
  • Tigger
  • Tarzan
  • Tadashi Hamada



The show and tell activity is both fun and educative. It is a highly interactive and interesting approach for young students to attract them into school activities.

This exercise develops young students confidence and public speaking skills. Also, their imaginative and creative skills also get improved by the storytelling part of the exercise.

I hope this article has helped you find ideas about your children’s show and tell activity that starts with the letter T. I recommend you go through the other articles that I have put together for you with other letters. Such as:

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