Show And Tell letter I

42 Show And Tell Letter I Ideas For Pre-Schoolers

Are you looking for ideas about your children’s class activity of show and tell starting with letter I? No worries, you have come to the right place.

In this article, I have put together some ideas about the show and tell that start with letter I and I hope it will help you to find an idea for your child.

What Is Show And Tell?

The American education system has conducted a great exercise for the young student of pre-school. This exercise is called Show and Tell.

In this activity, students are given instructions about any specific letter or any letter at random. They need to select an item and bring it to the class. Then they need to talk about that item for a bit in front of the class.

This activity has a huge impact on a kid’s life. Children become more confident and skillful because of this exercise.

They feel more comfortable around other students and teachers. Also, it is a fun activity so, it attracts students to participate more in school exercises.

Parents are the main players in this game. As this event is for pre-school students, the responsibility of selecting the item and preparing the children falls upon the parents.

Tips To Find Items For Show And Tell

Here are some general tips for the parents who are facing difficulty in choosing a proper item for their children’s class activity:

  • Look for items starting with the letter I in your kid’s toy collection
  • Look for items those start with I in your child’s book collection.
  • Let your kid choose an item that starts with the letter I.
  • Start planning and choosing items a few days before the event day.
  • Practice again and again to the fully prepared
  • Bring safe items to the class for demonstration

What Can Be Brought To Class For The Exercise Of Show And Tell?

Below I have comprised some suggestions that might help the parents to decide what items to bring to their children’s show and tell activity.

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Food
  • Drink
  • Toys
  • Action Figures
  • Pictures
  • Safe household items


Ideas For Show And Tell Letter I

In this part of the article, I have put together some examples of items that start with the letter I and can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell activity. Such as:

1. Iguana

The Iguana is an animal. More specifically it is a lizard, mainly found in Mexico. Their specialty is, they can dig a very long tunnel. Children can bring toys or pictures of an Iguana to their class activity of Show and tell and describe its characteristics.

2. Inchworm

The Inchworm is an insect of the caterpillar species. A large infestation of the Inchworm can damage trees. Toys or pictures of this insect can be brought to the class for the activity.

3. Impala

The Impala is an animal of the Antelope species. Often it is mistaken as deer. It has long legs, a long neck, and bendy antlers. Toys or pictures of this animal can be brought to the class for the children’s Show and tell exercise.

4. Ice Cream

Ice cream is a type of frozen food made of milk or cream. It is eaten as a snack or dessert. Both adults and children are fond of this food. So, children can bring this item to their class and talk about its tastiness.

5. Ice

The Ice is frozen water. It is used for making drinks cold and also it helps with bruises. Children can bring pictures of ice or actual ice if they can maintain its condition to their Show and tell class activity.

6. Incredibles

The Incredibles are the characters from a popular children’s animated movie called The Incredibles. In this movie, the family of Incredibles has different superpowers and they fight crime. Children can bring action figures or pictures of characters from The Incredibles and talk about them in their Show and tell activity. 

7. Iron Man

The Iron Man is a character from popular comics and movies called The Iron Man. Action figures of this character can be an interesting item for the children to bring to their class activity.

8. Ice Age Characters

The Ice age is also a very popular animated children’s movie. Children can bring action figures of their favorite characters from this movie and showcase them in front of the class.

9. Incredible Hulk

Another famous comic and movie character is the Incredible Hulk. He is also a member of the Avengers. Action figures or pictures of this character can be brought to the class for demonstration in the children’s Show and tell exercise.

10. Ice Skate

Ice skate means a pair of shoes specially made for skating on ice. Under those shoes, blades are attached so that they can skate on the ice. Children can bring their ice skates to the class and talk about them.

11. Igloo

An igloo is a special kind of house that is made to be protected from the snow. It is also called a snow house. Most people from Canada’s Central Arctic used these snow houses. Toys or pictures of this snow house can be brought to the Show and tell activity.

12. Ink Pen

An Ink pen is also called a Fountain pen. In this pen, liquid-based ink is used rather than thicker ink. This makes this pen easier to write without risking the writing would be scratchy. Children can bring this item to their class for the Show and tell activity and talk about its significance.

13. Ivy Leaf

The Ivy leaf is a leaf from the Ivy plant. It is a green climbing plant. It has many qualities like it helps reduce cough and to cure chronic bronchitis. Children can bring this leaf to their class exercise and showcase its usefulness.

14. Instrument

An instrument is a device that is used for measurement, scientific, creative, or artistic purposes. Children can bring any kind of instrument that is of appropriate shape and safe to their class for the Show and tell activity.

15. Iris

The irises are a species of flowering plants. They have beautiful blue flowers. This flower grows best in full sun. Children can bring this flower to their class for the exercise and talk about it.

16. Ivory Soap

The Ivory soap is a soap produced by the flagship personal care company called the Ivory. The specialty of this soap is it very pure and floats on water. Children can bring this item to their Show and tell activity and talk about it.

17. Index Card

An Index card is a special kind of index that contains stocks of cards that are of standard sizes. It is used to store small amounts of data. This item can be brought to the class for children’s Show and tell exercise.

18. IPad

The iPad is a gadget produced by the famous company Apple. This product has great capacity and its functions are very quick. It is also a very expensive product. Children can bring toys or pictures of an iPad to their class to demonstrate.

19. IPhone

This is also another product of Apple Company. It is a device by which you can call, text, and do many multitasks. This product is also very expensive. So, children can bring toys or pictures of iPhones to their class activity and talk about their usefulness.

20. Iron

An iron or electric iron is a product that is used to remove wrinkles and creases from clothes. Children can bring plastic iron toys to their class activity of Show and tell and talk about its significance.

21. Infant Toy

The infant toy otherwise known as the baby doll is a plaything for the children. Kids are very fond of playing with baby dolls. So, this item can be brought to the class for children’s Show and tell activity.

22. ID Card

The ID card is a document that is used to prove a person’s identity. Each ID card has a different and authentic identification number. Children can bring pictures of an ID card to their class activity and talk about its importance.

23. Icicle

The Icicle is mainly a hanging piece of ice that is formed when the dripping ice is frozen. Children can bring toys or pictures of an icicle to their class and talk about how they form.

24. Indian Fig Fruit

The Indian Fig Fruit is also called prickly pear or cactus pear. Surprisingly, it is a cactus that produces both vegetables and fruits. Children can bring this fruit to their class for demonstration.

25. Ilama Fruit

This is a fruit that is found mostly in Central America. It is sweet and colorful. Children can bring this fruit to their Show and tell exercise and afterward all children can enjoy eating this delicious fruit.

26. Indian Gooseberry

Another fruit that starts with the letter I is the Indian Gooseberry. This fruit is delicious to eat and also has many medicinal uses. This fruit can be brought to the class for the Show and tell activity.

27. Image

Children can bring images of their favorite things or people to the class activity of Show and Tell and talk about them in front of the class.

28. Ibis

The ibises are a species of bird with long legs. They are mainly found in wetlands or forests. Toys or pictures of an Ibis bird can be brought to the class for the show and tell class exercise.

29. Imp

An Imp is a mythical character just like demons or fairies. There are many cartoons where Imps are introduced. Children can bring toys or action figures of an Imp to the class for demonstration.

30. Ingot

An Ingot is any block of gold, silver, steel, or other metal. Its shape is oblong. Children can bring plastic ingots of these metals to their class activity and talk about their importance.

Some More Show And Tell Ideas That Start With Letter I

Below are some more common items that can be a Show-and-Tell class activity item starting with the letter I for your pre-schooler kid:

  1. Inhaler
  2. Injector
  3. Inkle
  4. Inkpad
  5. Inkpot
  6. Inkwell
  7. Inlet
  8. Inn
  9. Intercom
  10. Internet
  11. Interphone
  12. Inverter


Frequently Asked Questions About I Letter Show And Tell

Followings are some frequently asked questions about Show and Tell Starting with I people asked randomly on the internet:

What Does Show And Tell Mean?

Show and tell means children have to bring an item from their homes and show it to the class and tell them about the item.

What Are Some Food And Drinks Items That Start With The Letter I For Show And Tell?

  • Ice cream
  • Icing
  • Ice
  • Ice cream cone


What Are Some TV Or Movie Characters That Start With The Letter I For Show And Tell?

  • The Incredibles
  • Iron Man
  • Ice Age (not a character, but a popular movie!)
  • Incredible Hulk


What Are Some Animals That Start With I For Show And Tell?

  • Iguana
  • Inchworm
  • Insect
  • Impala


Why Do Kids Love Show And Tell?

The main for the kids to love this activity is that it helps the children in gaining confidence and bond comfortably with other kids.


Show and Tell starting with any specific or random letter is a great method for the development of young children’s mental and physical health.

With the help of this exercise, children get closer to their parents, feel comfortable with the teachers, and most of all, they become confident among other children.

This method improves children’s storytelling skills as well as public speaking skills and prepares them for their bright futures.

To help the parents find some ideas about the show and tell starting with letter I, I have comprised some ideas in this article and hope you liked it.

If you are looking for more Show And Tell ideas with other letters, I recommend you to read other articles that I have put together for you.

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