Show And Tell letter H

71 Show And Tell Letter H Ideas For Pre-Schoolers

If you are worried about your children’s class activity and looking for ideas about Show and Tell starting with letter H, then you have arrived at the right place.

In this article, I have put together some ideas about Show and Tell that starts with the letter H.

What Is Show And Tell?

Show and Tell is a brilliant method to improve children’s skills. In this exercise, children need to bring an item from their homes and demonstrate that item in front of the class.

This activity develops young children such as pre-schooler’s confidence, boosts their morale, and develops their social skills such as public speaking, storytelling, and being creative.

In this exercise, parents play the most important role. They need to choose the proper item for the activity and prepare their children well. This exercise also makes the bond stronger between the children and the parents.

Tips To Find Items For Show And Tell

Show and Tell starting with a specific letter is a great interactive exercise for children. But choosing items for the activity is both easy and tricky. Here I have put together some tips about how and what to choose for your children’s activity of Show and Tell starting with H.

  • Plan long before the event day
  • Let your children choose their item
  • Look for an item in your children’s toy collection
  • Children’s book collection is also a place to look for items with a specific letter
  • Practice again and again to the fully prepared
  • Bring safe items to the class for demonstration

What Can Be Brought To Class For The Exercise Of Show And Tell?

The show and Tell exercise is a method where children bring items to the class and demonstrate. Here you can find some ideas about what to bring to the Show and Tell activity.

  • Action figures/ Toys
  • Fruits/ Vegetables
  • Food/ Drink
  • Safe items from home
  • Pictures
  • Pets
  • Tv antoon characters


Ideas For Show And Tell Letter H

In this part of the article, I have put together some examples of items that start with the letter H and can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell activity. Such as:

1. Harp

Harp is a musical instrument. It has a different shape and soothing sound. Miniature harp or toys of the harp can be brought to the school for children’s Show and Tell activity.

2. Hippo

Hippo is an animal. It is short for Hippopotamus. This animal is mainly found in Sub-Saharan areas. Hippos can live both inside and outside of water. Toys or pictures of Hippo can be brought to the class as a Show and Tell item.

3. Hulk

Hulk is a fictional character from the movie The Hulk. He is a green monster with extraordinary strength and anger issues. Toys or action figures of hulk can be an interesting item for the kid’s Show and Tell class exercise.

4. Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty is a Japanese cartoon character. This character is wildly popular among girls of all ages. So, toys or stuffed animals of this item can be brought to the class for the activity.

5. Home Picture

Children can bring pictures of their homes as an item for their Show and Tell activity. There they can talk about their homes and why they love it.

6. Horse

The horse is a majestic animal. It is tall, strong and very elegant. There are lots of movies and cartoons based on horses. Children can bring toys or pictures of a horse to their class activity and talk about its importance.

7. Halloween Costume

Halloween is a great time of year. At this time children and adults both wear costumes like their favorite fictional characters and go door to door to collect candy. Children are very fond of this festival. So, Halloween costumes can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell exercise and talk about its significance.

8. Hatchimals

Hatchimals are robotic toys that hatch from eggs after a certain time. It is a great children’s toy. So, children can bring this item to their class activity and demonstrate.

9. Heart

The heart is the most important organ of the body that circulates blood to the whole body. Children can bring toys or pictures of the heart to their class and talk about its importance.

10. Honey

Honey is a sweet food substance that is made by honeybees. An appropriate amount of honey consumption is very healthy for humans. Children can bring this item to their class and talk about its significance and afterward all children can enjoy this sweet food substance.

11. Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a fictional character from the movie Harry Potter. This movie is all about magic. Children love magic and are very fond of this movie. So, action figures or pictures of Harry Potter can be brought to the class for the activity.

12. Hot Wheels Car

Hot Wheels cars are miniature toy cars. Both adults and children love to collect and play with hot wheels cars. So, children can bring this item to their class and demonstrate it in front of other children.

13. Hazelnut

Hazelnut is a type of nut that is found in hazel trees. This nut is consumed as food. It has many nutritional values. This item can be brought to school for children’s Show and Tell exercise.

14. Hair Products

There are many hair products like a hairbrush, hair bow, hairdryer, etc. These are all common household products. Children can easily get these items from their homes and bring them to the class activity to talk about them.

15. Hammer

Hammer is a hand tool. It has a weighted head attached to a long wooden handle. This tool is used to drive a direct force to an object. This is also a household item. So, children can bring toys or pictures of this item to their Show and Tell activity.

16. Helicopter

A helicopter is a flying machine that is used to carry people or objects from one place to another. Children are very fond of playing with toy helicopters. So, toys or pictures of a helicopter can be an interesting item for the kids to bring to their class activity.

17. Herb

Herb is a type of plant that bears seeds but does not have a woody stem. Herbs are used as, food, medicine, flavor, etc. Children can bring herbs to their Show and Tell activity and talk about its nutritional values.

18. Hero

Young children are very fond of watching movies that consist of heroes. So, they can bring toys or action figures of their favorite heroes to the class and talk about their powers and significance.

19. Husky Dog

Husky is a type of dog. This breed is very intelligent, playful, and sometimes very dangerous. They are also very good pets. So, toys or pictures of husky can be brought to the children’s Show and Tell exercise.

20. Hospital

Hospital is a place where doctors treat injured and sick people. Children can bring miniature toys or pictures of the hospital to their class activity and talk about its importance.

21. Hot Dog

The hot dog is a type of fast food. It is very popular among adults and children. This item can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell demonstration and afterward, all children can eat this delicious food.

22. Hot Air Balloon

The Hot air balloon is an aircraft that is lighter than air and takes lift with heated air. Children can bring toys or pictures of this item to their class for the Show and Tell class activity.

23. Hornet

The Hornet is an insect. It is often mistaken as a wasp. But it is larger and brighter than a wasp. Hornet sting is very dangerous. Children can bring toys or pictures of Hornet to their class activity of Show and Tell for demonstration.

24. Hockey Stick

The hockey stick is a special stick made of wood to play the game Hockey on ice. It has a long handle and its head is rectangular and flat. Children can bring toys or miniature hockey sticks to their class activity to demonstrate.

25. Hockey Puck

A hockey puck is a small round hardened rubber that is used as a ball to play Hockey. This object is moved to the opponent’s goal by the hockey stick. Children can bring this item to their Show and Tell activity and describe it.

26. Hawk

Hawk is a species of bird. It is a hunter bird and is often mistaken as an Eagle. Toys or pictures of Hawk can be brought to the class for children’s show and tell class activity.

27. Hat

The hat is a fashion accessory, worn on the head. Everyone wears this item. It protects us from sun rays and also rain and snow. So, a hat is an interesting item for the activity of Show and Tell.

28. Handbag

Handbag is also a fashion accessory and regularly used item. It is used for various purposes. Children can bring this item to their class and talk about its usefulness.

29. Hamster

A hamster is an animal and is often mistaken as a rat. Hamsters are excellent pets and also they are very cute and cuddly. Children can bring toys or an actual hamster to their Show and Tell activity and talk about their characteristics.

30. Hummingbird

A hummingbird is a species of bird. It is said the world’s smallest bird. They can fly from all angles. Children can bring toys or pictures of this bird to their Show and Tell exercise.

31. Hyena

Hyena is a dangerous animal. Hyenas are carnivores and even eat humans. They are found mainly in Africa. Children can bring toys or pictures of this animal to their class activity and talk about their characteristics.

32. Horn

Horn is a device that is used in vehicles. Horn makes loud noises or signals to the other vehicles. Children can bring this item as a form of toys or pictures to their class exercise and talk about it.

33. Hamburger

Hamburger is processed food. It is made with bread, vegetables, and meat. It is a delicious food item for both adults and children. So, it can be an interesting item to bring to children’s show and tell exercise.

34. Helmet

The helmet is an accessory that is worn on the head while riding a bike or motorcycle. This thing protects the head from any injury and also prevents air. Children can bring this item to their class and talk about its usefulness.

35. Highlighter

A highlighter is a sort of writing object that is used to mark specific sections or words. Children can bring this item to their Show and Tell activity and talk about it.

Some More Show And Tell Ideas That Start With Letter H

Below are some more common items that can be a Show-and-Tell class activity item starting with the letter H for your pre-schooler kid:

  1. Halo
  2. Head
  3. Hexagon
  4. Hundred (100 Of Any Item)
  5. Horoscope
  6. Honor
  7. Hay
  8. Hatchet
  9. Hand (Mr. Potato Head)
  10. Handkerchief
  11. Ham
  12. Handcuff
  13. Hotcakes (Pancakes)
  14. Hare
  15. Hedgehog
  16. Hamm (From Toy Story)
  17. Homer Simpson
  18. Hermione Granger (From Harry Potter)
  19. Hawaii, Honduras, Hungary, etc on a map
  20. Hannah Montana
  21. Han Solo
  22. Hippy (Costume, Wig, Clothing, etc.)
  23. Heron
  24. Hose
  25. Hula Hoop
  26. Hopper Ball
  27. Honey Bun
  28. Honeydew Melon
  29. Hellmann’s Mayo
  30. Hershey’s Chocolate
  31. Honest Kids Juice Pouches
  32. Hei Hei (Moana)
  33. Hamm (Toy Story)
  34. Hissy (Puppy Dog Pals)
  35. Headband
  36. Hurricanes (University Of Miami Gear)

Frequently Asked Questions About H Letter Show And Tell

Followings are some frequently asked questions about Show and Tell Starting with H people asked randomly on the internet:

What Is The Purpose Of Show And Tell?

The purpose of this method is to prepare young children for the future by developing their skills and confidence.

What Are Some Household Items That Start With The Letter H For Show And Tell?

  • Hairbrush.
  • Hairdryer.
  • Hammer.
  • Hamper.
  • Hand soap.
  • Handle.
  • Hanger.
  • Hat.


What Are Some Snacks That Start With The Letter H For Show And Tell?

  • Hummus with Veggies.
  • Honeydew.
  • Honeycrisp Apple.
  • Honeydew Mango Smoothie.
  • Honeycrisp Apple Cookies.


What Are Some Fruits That Start With The Letter H For Show And Tell?

  • Hackberry fruit
  • Hardy kiwi fruit
  • Hawthorn fruit
  • Honeydew fruit
  • Honeysuckle fruit


What Are Some Animals That Start With The Letter H For Show And Tell?

  • Haddock.
  • Hagfish.
  • Hammerhead Shark.
  • Hamster.
  • Harbor Seal.
  • Hardhead Catfish.
  • Hare.
  • Harp Seal.



Show And Tell is a great initiative taken by the American education system. By this interactive exercise, children get more interested in schoolwork and participate more in class events.

Show and tell activity develops children’s confidence and social skills. Also, this exercise brings students teachers, and parents closer.

In this article, I have put together some ideas about Show and Tell starting with letter H, and hope that helped you in choosing an item for your children’s class activity.

If you liked this article, I recommend you to read other articles I have comprised for you about Show and Tell with other letters.

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