Show And Tell letter F

60 Show And Tell Letter F Ideas For Pre-Schoolers

Are you worried about your pre-school children’s Show and Tell activity item that starts with Letter F? Then look no further.

In this article, I have comprised some ideas starting with F in this article that might help you get some ideas about how and what item to choose for the exercise.

What Is Show-And-Tell?

Show and Tell is a very interesting and innovative method started by the American education system. This method is very helpful for young children of pre-school.

In this activity, pre-schoolers need to choose an item of their interest, bring it to the class, and talk about it in front of other kids and teachers.

This method is very efficient in improving pre-schoolers confidence in public speaking and develops their storytelling skills. Also, this method attracts kids more to participate in more educative activities in school.

Tips To Find Items For Show-And-Tell

Often parents face great difficulties about where to find or how to choose items for their children’s Show and Tell exercise. Below I have included some general tips that might help you in reducing your difficulties.

  • Plan ahead of time to choose an item
  • Let your kids choose an item of their interest
  • Practice more to be more prepared
  • Look for an item in your kid’s books
  • Items you choose should be safe
  • Choose items that are not expensive or breakable

What Can Be Brought To Class For The Exercise Of Show-And-Tell?

Anything that is of appropriate size and secured can be brought to the class for your children’s Show and Tell activity. Here you can find some ideas about what to bring to the Show-and-Tell activity.

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Food
  • Drink
  • Toy/Action figure
  • picture
  • Harmless household item


Ideas For Show And Tell Letter F

In this part of the article, I have put together some examples of items that start with the letter F and can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell activity. Such as:

1. Flashlight

Flashlight is a portable electric light. It is also known as a torch. It is a common household item. So, children can bring this item to their class for the Show-and-Tell class exercise.

2. Frog

Frog is an animal that can live both inside and outside of water and can be found all over the world. Children can bring a toy or picture of the frog to their class activity for demonstration.

3. Fox

Fox is also an animal and is considered a very smart animal. Also, this animal looks like a dog but has some differences. A Toy or picture of a fox can be brought to the class for the Show-and-Tell exercise.

4. Flamingo

Flamingo is a bird with a beautiful long neck and exceptional pink color. A Toy or picture of a flamingo bird is a great idea for the Show-and-Tell item for the pre-schollers.

5. Fly

Fly is a species of insect. There are various kinds of flies and they are found all around the world. Toys or pictures of flies can be brought to the children’s class exercise.

6. Fork

Fork is a utensil that is used to pick up food to eat. It is a household item and children can very easily get them from their homes. So, kids can bring the fork to their class activity and talk about it in front of other children.

7. Family Picture

Family picture includes parents and siblings in one frame. Children can bring their family pictures to the class and talk about them.

8. Fruit

Fruit is a great idea for Show-and-Tell items to bring to the class. Children can bring appropriate-sized fruit to the class and talk about its characteristics and afterward, they can eat it.

9. Flower

Flowers are very pretty and have a beautiful fragrance. Everyone likes flowers. So, children can bring a flower of their choice to their exercise and talk about its significance.

10. Fairy

Fairy is a mythical creature that has human form and is of pure magic. Children are very fond of fairy tales. So, an action figure or picture of a fairy can be brought to the class for the Show-and-Tell activity.

11. Farmer

Farmers are people who are engaged in agriculture and produce food. The importance of farmers in our lives is uncountable. So, children can bring toys or pictures of the farmer to their activity and demonstrate their value in our lives.

12. Fiddle

Fiddle is a musical instrument otherwise known as the violin. It has bowed string and its sound is very soothing. Children can bring a toy or picture or even an actual fiddle to their show and tell class activity.

13. Fig

Fig is a fruit that is found all over the world. It is used as food and also its plant is used as an ornamental plant. Kids can bring this fruit to their class activity and talk about its nutritional value.

14. Fawn

Fawn is basically a young deer in its first year. There are many movies and cartoons where fawns are introduced. Children can bring a toy or picture of a fawn to their Show-and-Tell activity and talk about it.

15. Friendship Bracelet

Friendship bracelet is a bracelet that is made by one friend to give to another friend. It is a symbol of their friendship and bond. Children can bring this item to their class activity and demonstrate it.

16. Friend Picture

Everyone has a friend and it is one of the greatest relationships. Children can bring their friend’s picture and talk about him or her in front of the class.

17. Fidget Spinner

Fidget spinner is an item of playing. This thing can spin for a long time. Children can bring this plaything to their class activity and showcase it in front of the class.

18. Football

Football is a round ball filled with air and it is played with the foot. Football is a very popular sport and both children and adults like to play football. So, kids can bring a toy or an actual football to their class to demonstrate.

19. Fire Truck

Fire truck is a vehicle used to put out the fire by water. The vehicle is loaded with very interesting equipment. A Toy or picture of a fire truck can be a great item to showcase in the children’s Show-and-Tell class exercise.

20. Flag

The flag is a piece of cloth attached to a pole that symbolizes a nation or city or sports etc. Children can bring an actual flag of their choice to their class exercise and talk about its significance.

21. Fountain

Fountain is a decorative piece that is used for discharging water. This thing is installed because of its beauty. Children can bring a toy or picture of a fountain to the class and demonstrate its characteristics.

22. Frisbee

Frisbee is another thing that children play with. It’s a round flying disk. Children can bring this plaything to their class activity and after they all can enjoy playing with it.

23. Fan

Fan is a common household thing. Fan is a mechanical machine that provides air. Children can bring a toy or picture of the fan to their Show-and-Tell activity and talk about its usefulness.

24. Frozen Movie Toys

Frozen is a children’s animated movie. Children are very fond of this movie. Action figures of characters from this movie can be an interesting item to bring to the children’s Show and tell class activity.

25. Falcon

Falcon is a bird and is often mistaken as Eagle. This bird is the fastest creature in the world. A Toy or picture of Falcon can be brought to the Show-and-Tell class exercise.

26. Fish

Fish is an aquatic animal. They are full of nutrients and also very delicious. Children can bring a toy or picture of fish to their class activity for the demonstration.

27. Fish Sticks

Fish sticks otherwise known as fish fingers are a type of processed food made with white fish. Children can bring this delicious food item to the class and after the demonstration, they can enjoy eating this.

28. Fruit Loops

Fruit loops is a brand of breakfast cereal that is sweet and fruit flavoured. This cereal is very popular among children. So, children can bring this tasty food to their class exercise and after the class, everyone can eat this.

29. Falafel

Falafel is a sort of fast food that originated in the Middle East. This food is very tasty. Children can bring this food to their Show-and-Tell activity and demonstrate it in front of the class.

30. Fanta

Fanta is a soft drink. This drink is sweet and orange flavoured. This is a very popular drink among adults and children. This item can also be brought to the Show-and-Tell class exercise.

31. Fiona

Fiona or princess Fiona is an animated character from the children’s animated movie Shrek. Children are very fond of this movie. So, the action figure of Fiona can be brought as a Show-and-Tell item to the class.

32. Flynn Rider

Flynn Rider is also an animated character from the movie Tangled. An action figure of this character can be brought to the children’s show and tell class activity.

33. Fix It Felix

Fix It Felix is an animated character from the movie Wreck It Ralph. Kids like this movie very much. An action figure of this character can be an interesting item for the kid’s Show-and-Tell exercise.

34. Folder

Folder is basically a folding cover made from paper used to keep loose papers. Children can bring this item to their class activity and talk about its importance.

35. Feather

Feather is the structure that covers a bird’s wings. Usually, the feather of birds is very pretty. Children can bring actual feathers to their class for the Show-and-Tell activity.

Some More Show And Tell Ideas That Start With Letter F

Below are some more common items that can be a Show-and-Tell class activity item starting with the letter F for your pre-schooler kid:

  1. Fancy Nancy
  2. Figaro (Minnie Mouse’s Cat)
  3. Flounder (The Little Mermaid)
  4. The Flash
  5. Forky (Toy Story 4)
  6. Fur
  7. Firefighter
  8. Finger Puppet
  9. Ferret
  10. Face
  11. Father
  12. Ferry Boat
  13. Firefly
  14. Flea
  15. Flip Flop
  16. Flour
  17. Foot
  18. Forest
  19. French Fries
  20. French Toast
  21. Fortune Cookies
  22. Fred Flinstone
  23. Flounder (From The Little Mermaid)
  24. Franklin The Turtle
  25. Frosty The Snowman

Frequently Asked Questions About F Letter Show And Tell

Followings are some frequently asked questions about Show and Tell Starting with F people asked randomly on the internet:

What Is Show-And-Tell Method?

Show-an-Tell method is an interactive method where children bring an item to the class and demonstrate it in front of other children

What Are The Advantage Of Show-And-Tell?

Show and Tell improves children’s confidence, boosts their morale, improves their skills, and enlarges their interests.

What Are Some Animals That Start With The Letter F For Show And Tell?

  • Falcon
  • Fox
  • Ferret
  • Frog
  • Flamingo


What Can Be Used As Good Show And Tell Items?

  • Picture
  • Toy/Action figure
  • Book
  • Household item
  • Family artifact


How To Prepare Children For Show And Tell?

  • Plan ahead of time
  • Let your kid choose the item
  • Practice more for better preparation
  • Stay relaxed during exercise


Show and Tell method is designed to involve pre-schoolers in more social activities. This involvement develops children’s confidence, storytelling skills, public speaking skills, social skills, etc. Also by this activity, children get closer to the teachers and their parents.

In this exercise, parents play the most important part. They need to prepare their children for the activity by planning before the event day, choosing a proper item of their kid’s interest, and preparing them for the exercise.

I hope this article helped you to get ideas to choose items for the Show and Tell activity that starts with the letter F. I recommend you to read other articles I have put together for you about Show and Tell items.

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