Show And Tell letter E

45 Show And Tell Letter E Ideas For Pre-Schoolers

Are you looking for ideas for your Pre-Schoolers Show and Tell items? Then, you have come to the right place.

In this article, I have put together some ideas for you to choose from that start with the letter E. I hope this will help you to choose the items effortlessly for your kid’s show and tell class activity.

What Is Show-And-Tell?

In general terms, Show and Tell is an activity by an elementary school in which students get to bring an item of their interest and showcase it in front of the class. This fun and interactive method is introduced by the American education system.

This activity is a great opportunity for pre-schoolers to boost their morale, improve their confidence and develop skills such as: public speaking, storytelling, being creative, etc.

Sometimes the school pre-determines the item and often they just determine a letter and parents have to select an appropriate item that their children like and prepare them for the activity.

Tips To Find Items For Show-And-Tell

Finding proper items for children’s Show and Tell exercise is both easy and hard work. Most parents face great difficulties about what to select for the activity.

Here I have put together some general tips for you to choose easily your kid’s Show and Tell item.

  • Look for an item in your kid’s toy collection
  • Look for an item in your kid’s books
  • Plan well and plan early
  • Practice more
  • Choose items that are not very valuable
  • Choose safe items

It is very crucial that you choose something that your children are comfortable with and in their interest.

What Can Be Brought To Class For The Exercise Of Show-And-Tell?

There are lots of things your children can bring to their class activity of Show and Tell. But choosing them wisely is the key. Most parents find it very hard to select an item for the exercise.

Here you can find some ideas about what to bring to the Show-an-Tell activity:

  • Toys
  • Food items
  • Drinks
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Action figures
  • Stuffed animal
  • Harmless regular items from home
  • Pictures


Ideas For Show And Tell Letter E

In this part of the article, I have put together some examples of items that start with the letter E and can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell activity. Such as:

1. Elephant

The elephant is a majestic animal. There are lots of movies and cartoons based on Elephants. Children love to play with a toy elephant. So, toys or pictures of elephants can be brought to the school for the kid’s Show-and-Tell activity.

2. Envelope

Envelope is a thing that carries letters from one place to another. It is a common household item. Before the technological revolution envelope was the only medium of communication. Children can bring the envelope to their class activity and talk about its importance.

3. Ear (Mr. Potato Head Part, For Example)

Ear is a common body part of all humans and animals. There are lots of toy body parts available for children to play with. For example, Mr. Potato head’s ear from the movie Toy Story. Children can bring a toy ear to the Show-and-Tell class exercise and demonstrate.

4. Earrings

Earrings are common fashion accessories for women. Almost all women wear these and are found in every home. So, children can get this item easily from their homes and demonstrate it in their Show-and-Tell activity.

5. Earmuffs

Earmuffs are used for reducing outside noise or sometimes to prevent cold breeze. This is another great item for children’s Show-and-Tell exercise.

6. Eggplant

Eggplant is a vegetable and common in almost every household. This vegetable also has many nutritional values. So, children can bring a toy or an actual eggplant to the school for their class activity of show and tell.

7. Eye

This is another body part and is also found as a toy. Children can bring a toy eye or picture of an eye to their exercise and talk about the significance of eyes in everyone’s lives.

8. Eyeglasses

Eyeglasses are glasses that are worn to correct vision problems. Nowadays almost in every home, someone is wearing eyeglasses. This item can be brought to the class to demonstrate.

9. Egg

Eggs are laid by female animals of different species. Eggs are very good for health. Children can bring a toy egg or a picture of an egg to their class to talk about its importance.

10. Earth

There are many miniature earth toys available for children. Also, there are maps or globes of earth that children can bring to their class for demonstration.

11. Elves

Elves are mythical creatures that can be found in many movies and cartoons. Children can bring an action figure of elves to their class and talk about it.

12. Eagle

Eagle is a bird and is famous for its high flight. In many movies or cartoons, eagles are shown to carry messages from one place to another. So, a toy or picture of an Eagle can be a great item for the Show-and-Tell class exercise.

13. Eel

Eels are fish found in rivers and streams. They can also survive outside the water for a long time. Often eels are mistaken as snakes. So, a toy or picture of eel can be brought to the kid’s Show-and-Tell activity for demonstration.

14. Egg Roll

Egg rolls are a kind of fried food filled with cabbage or roasted meat. Both children and adults like to eat it. So, children can bring actual egg rolls to their class activity, and afterward, they all can enjoy eating them together.

15. Engine

An engine is a machine that powers any vehicle or any mechanical thing. We use the engine directly or indirectly every day. So, a toy or picture of an engine is a great item for children’s Show-and-Tell exercise.

16. Elk

Elk is an animal. More specifically it is the largest species of deer. Children can bring toys or pictures of Elk to their class and talk about its characteristics.

17. Emerald

Emerald is a very valuable and rare gemstone. It is even more expensive than a diamond. Children can bring a toy or picture of an emerald and demonstrate it in front of the class.

18. Elsa From Frozen

Elsa is an animated character from the movie Frozen. Children love this movie and especially girl kids are very fond of Elsa. So, an action figure of Elsa can be an interesting item for kid’s show and tell class activity.

19. Elena

Elena is also an animated character from Elena of Avalor. She is a princess and very famous among girl kids. So, the action figure of Elena can be brought to the class for demonstration.

20. Elmer Fudd

Elmer Fudd is another very famous loony toon character. This animated character has a very funny way of pronouncing others names. An action figure of this character can also be a great item for the Show-and-Tell class exercise.

21. Eeyore

Eeyore is one of the fictional characters from the cartoon Winnie the Pooh. He is a donkey. A picture or toy of Eeyore can be brought to the children’s class activity for demonstration.

22. Elmo

Elmo is a muppet character from Sesame Street. This cartoon is very popular among children. So, a toy or picture of Elmo can be an excellent item for kids to bring to their Show-and-Tell exercise.

23. Elastigirl

Elastigirl is also an animated character from a very popular children’s animated movie called The Incredibles. Children can bring action figures or pictures of Elastigirl to their class exercise and talk about the character.

24. Esmeralda

Esmeralda is another animated character from the famous cartoon The Hunchback Of Notre-Dame. She is very pretty and a great dancer. Children can bring action figures or pictures of Esmeralda to their Show-and-Tell activity.

25. Eraser

Eraser is a common item among children. This thing is used to erase anything written in pencil. Children can bring their eraser to their class and demonstrate its usefulness in front of the class.

26. Etch A Sketch

Etch A Sketch is a mechanical toy used by children for writing and drawing. This item can be brought to the school for kids Show-and-Tell class activity.

27. Eclair

Eclair is a sort of pastry filled with cream with chocolate icing. This food item is very popular among children and adults. This is another great example of an item that children can bring to their class activity.

28. Earthworm

Earthworm is a kind of insect that is found in soil. Like most worm earthworm is harmless to humans, and it also improves soil quality. Children can bring toys or pictures of earthworms to their class activity and talk about their characteristics in front of the class.

29. Emu

Emu is the second largest bird by height. Though Emu is a bird, but it cannot fly. Emu is a great pet and also Emu’s meat is very delicious. Toys or pictures of Emu can be brought to the children’s Show-and-Tell exercise for demonstration.

30. Edamame

Edamame is a kind of bean. This has many nutritional values. Edamame can be brought to the class activity to demonstrate its characteristics in front of the class.

Some More Show And Tell Ideas That Start With Letter E

Below are some more common items that can be a Show-and-Tell class activity item starting with the letter E for your pre-schooler kid:

  1. Eggo waffles
  2. English muffins
  3. Emily Elizabeth (Clifford)
  4. Everest (Paw Patrol)
  5. Ewok (Star Wars)
  6. Ernie (Sesame Street)
  7. Etch-a-Sketch
  8. Easy Bake Oven supplies
  9. Easter Egg
  10. Easter Bunny
  11. Edna Mode (Incredibles)
  12. Edward (Thomas & Friends)
  13. Eric (Prince From The Little Mermaid)
  14. Everest (Paw Patrol)
  15. Eyelashes

Frequently Asked Questions About E Letter Show And Tell

Followings are some frequently asked questions about Show and Tell Starting with E people asked randomly on the internet:

What Does Show-And-Tell Mean?

Show-an-Tell is a fun activity for pre-schoolers conducted by the American education system to develop the kids’ skills.

What Are Good Show And Tell Items?

  • Favourite item of children
  • Family artifact
  • Pet
  • Toy
  • Action figure
  • Picture


Why Show-And-Tell Is Important?

The main importance of Show and Tell is it improves children’s skills and confidence.

How To Prepare Children For Show And Tell?

  • Choose an item of children’s interest
  • Plan early and well
  • Practice more
  • Connect with school teacher
  • Stay calm and relaxed during the activity.

What Are Some Animals That Start With The Letter E For Show And Tell?

  • Eagle
  • Eel
  • Elephant
  • Elk
  • Emu



Show and Tell is a method by which children of pre-schools can develop their confidence, public speaking skills, and social skills and interact with other children easily.

This exercise boosts kids morale and prepares them for the future. Also by these activity children gets closer to their parents and teachers and also with other kids as well.

I hope this article helped you in choosing your kid’s Show and tell item that starts with E. If you liked this article, I recommend you to read other articles I have comprised for you. Such as:

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