show and tell letter d

62 Show And Tell Letter D Ideas For Pre-Schoolers

If you are looking for an idea for your children’s Show-and-Tell exercise that starts with the letter D, then look no further. You are in the right place. I have put together some ideas that start with the letter D that might help you choose your kid’s item for the Show and Tell exercise.

What Is Show-And-Tell?

Show-and-Tell is an exercise comprised by the American education system for pre-schoolers. In this activity, students are given the choice to select any item or sometimes the items are pre-selected by the school. Then on the activity day, each student has to bring one item and talk about it in front of the class.

This activity is very important as it helps develop pre-schoolers mental health, social and creative skills. It also improves their confidence in public speaking and storytelling.

As this exercise is for the pre-schoolers, the main responsibility falls upon the parents to choose appropriate items as per their children’s choice and prepare them for the activity.

Tips To Find Items For Show-And-Tell

Finding items for the Show and Tell exercise is very easy if done before the activity day. Items should be selected by children’s choice. Otherwise, it becomes very difficult for both parents and children to grasp the idea of that item.

Here are some tips that might help the parents to choose Show-and-Tell items:

  • Choose items long before the activity day for better preparation
  • Let the children choose as per their interests.
  • Don’t choose items with much value.
  • Choose safe items.
  • Practice more and more

It is very important to choose items for children that are safe and simple and are interesting to them.

What Can Be Brought To Class For The Exercise Of Show-And-Tell?

Show-and-Tell is an activity by which children gains confidence and improve their social skills like public speaking, storytelling skill, etc. Often parents get confused about what to choose for the exercise.

Actually, it does not matter what to choose as long as the item is known and interesting to the kids and is safe to bring to the class. Here you can find ideas about how and what to choose for the Show-and-Tell activity.

  • Harmless regular items from home
  • Toys and action figures
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Pictures
  • Animals (real, toy or picture of the animals)
  • TV or movie characters
  • Books


Ideas For Show And Tell Letter D

In this part of the article, I have put together some examples of items that start with the letter D and can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell activity. Such as:

1. Dump truck

Dump truck is a vehicle used to carry materials from one place to another. Children or kids or babies love to play with toys cars. Children can bring this plaything to their class activity of Show-and-Tell and demonstrate it in front of everyone.

2. Dinosaur

Dinosaur is a dangerous and extinct animal. Kids like to play with dinosaur toys and there are also many cartoons and movies for children about dinosaurs. Children can bring pictures or toys of dinosaurs to the class exercise and talk about their characteristics.

3. Dog

Dog is a household pet animal. They are best known for their loyalty and playfulness. So, kids can bring pictures or toys of dogs to their Show-and-Tell exercise and talk about its usefulness.

4. Duck

Ducks are birds and also are referred to as waterfowl. They are very pretty to look at. Also, ducks are very delicious to eat. Children can bring pictures or toys of ducks to their school for their class activity.

5. Dragon

Dragon is a mythical creature that can fly and breathe fire. There are many children cartoons and movies that contain dragons. Children love to play with dragon toys. So, they can bring toys or pictures of a dragon to talk about in their Show-and-Tell class exercise.

6. Doll

Every child is very fond of dolls or action figures. They like to play with them very much. So, choosing and bringing their favourite dolls to their class is a great idea for their Show-and-Tell class activity.

7. Doctor kit

Many children like to play with toy doctor kits and whatnot. One of the most famous doctor games among kids is “operation”. So, this game or toy of doctor kits can be an excellent idea for children’s Show-and-Tell class exercise.

8. Drill

Drill machine is a common household item. It is used to make holes in walls. This thing is very dangerous and should be used carefully. Children like to play construction with toy drills. So toy drill is a fine idea for children to bring to their class activity.

9. Dollar

Dollar is the U.S currency and it is found all around America. Children often like to play with dollar bills in make-believe toy shops. So, toys or a picture or even an actual dollar bill can be brought to the class for demonstration.

10. Dime

Dime is also a currency, but it is a coin of ten cents that is one-tenth of a U.S dollar. Children often play with dimes and even collect dimes to put in their piggy bank. So, dimes can be another great idea for children to bring to their Show-and-Tell exercise.

11. Doc Mcstuffins

Doc McStuffins is a cartoon character that fixes broken toys and dolls. This character can be an excellent idea for kids to bring to their class activity and talk about all the educative things about this character.

12. Donald Duck

Donal duck is another cartoon character and it is loved by all children around the world. The funny look and voice of this character attract everyone. So, toys or pictures of this character can be brought to the Show-and-Tell class activity.

13. Daisy Duck

It is also a cartoon character from the same cartoon called “Donald Duck”. She is Donald Duck’s girlfriend. So, toys or pictures of this character can be another item for children’s Show-and-Tell exercise.

14. Dale (From Chip N Dale)

Dale is another cartoon character from “Chip n Dale”. This character is a chipmunk and very mischievous. Kids can bring toys or pictures of dale the chipmunk to their class for the Show-and-Tell activity and talk about its characteristics.

15. Dora The Explorer

This is another character from the cartoon “Dora The Explorer”. It is a very entertaining and educative cartoon for kids. They can bring toys or pictures of Dora to their class and talk about the character or the adventures of this character.

16. Daniel Tiger

This is another very entertaining and informative cartoon character from “Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood”. Children can bring a toy or picture of this character to their Show and Tell exercise.

17. Diaper

Children, especially pre-schoolers are no strangers to diapers. They use it on a regular basis. So fresh and unused diapers can be a great item to bring to the Show-and-Tell class exercise and talk about its usefulness.

18. Daisy

Daisy is a flower with a very nice fragrance. This flower can be used to decorate houses. Also, this flower can be eaten as it has many necessary vitamins. Children can bring actual daisy flowers to their class activity and talk about their importance.

19. Daffodil

It is another very beautiful flower that blooms when winter ends. This flower lasts for six weeks to six months and can be used as a very charming home decoration. This flower is also a great idea for the kids to bring to their Show-and-Tell class activity.

20. Dice

Dice are small objects with numbers engraved on every side. It is used to play many games for both children and adults. So, it is a great example of an item that can be brought to the class for demonstration.

21. Dad Picture

Dad is the most important and loving person to a child. So, a picture of a kid’s dad is a wonderful idea for an item to bring to the school for the Show-and-Tell activity and talk about their hero.

22. Dragonfly

Dragonfly is an insect with wings. It looks very beautiful and also is beneficial to humans in many ways. It feeds on small bugs that harm humans. So, toys or pictures of this insect can be brought to the children’s class exercise.

23. Dolphin

Dolphin is a fish that is found in the ocean. This fish is very social, friendly, helpful, and very intelligent. So, children can bring toys or pictures of a dolphin to their Show-and-Tell class activity.

24. Deer

This can be another good item for children’s Show-and-Tell class activity. Deer is an animal that is mostly found on wetlands, deciduous forests, grasslands, rain forests, arid scrublands, and mountains. Children can bring toys or pictures of Deer to the class and talk about their characteristics.

25. Donkey

Donkey is also an animal and is a very good pet. Humans have been using the donkey for transportation and carrying things. Toys or pictures of donkeys can be an interesting item for the children to bring to their class activity.

26. Dalmatian

Dalmatian is a breed of dog. This breed is very beautiful to look at and also makes wonderful house pets. Kids can bring toys or pictures of Dalmatians to their school for their Show-and-Tell school exercise.

27. Diamond

Diamond is a very expensive and beautiful stone. It has many qualities and many applications. Children can bring toys or pictures or artificial diamonds in the class and talk about them in front of the class.

28. Doughnut

The doughnut is a very soft round size type of food. Doughnuts are very tasty and children like to eat them. So, a toy or an actual doughnut can be an item to demonstrate in the Show-and-Tell class exercise.

29. Dumpling

For the activity of children’s Show-and-tell, Dumpling is another common option. It is a type of soft food and both kids and adults like this. So, children can bring this item to their activity and talk about this and after the demonstration, they can enjoy eating this delicious food.

30. Dates

Another very interesting item for children to bring to their class for the Show-and-tell exercise is dates. It is a fruit and has many nutritional values as well as it is very delicious. Kids can talk about the importance of dates in front of their class.

31. Dumdums

Dumdums is a candy brand. It is very delicious and also its packaging is attractive. Both adults and children like this candy. So children can bring actual dumdums candy to their class activity and demonstrate it in front of the class.

32. Dory

Dory is a cartoon character from the animated movie “Finding Dory”. Children are very fond of this kind of movie. So, toys or pictures of this character can be a great example of an item to bring to the class activity.

33. Dish

Dish is a container or a bowl otherwise known as a plate. It is a very common household thing. And children can very easily get this item from their homes. Plastic dishes can be a fine example of an item for children to bring to their Show-and-Tell class exercise.

34. Disk

Disk is something round and flat and used in computers or DVDs. This thing contains songs, movies, documentaries, etc. This item is not used very much nowadays. So, it can be a very interesting item to demonstrate and talk about its usefulness in the class exercise.

35. Drum

Drum is a musical instrument. Children like to play with this instrument very much. So, toy drums or pictures of the drum can be brought to the class for the Show and Tell class activity.

36. Dove

Dove is a type of bird. It has a beautiful white body and can be kept as a house pet. Children can bring a toy or pictures of the dove bird to their class activity to talk about their characteristics.

37. Dumbo

Dumbo is an animated character from the movie “Dumbo”. This animated character can be a great example of the Show-and-Tell item. Kids can bring toys or pictures of Dumbo to their class and talk about it.

38. Dash

Dash is also a character from the animated movie “The Incredibles”. In this movie Dash is a small boy with the superpower of speed. Children love this kind of thing. So, an action figure or picture of Dash can be brought to the class for the Show-and-Tell exercise.

39. Dino Dan

This is a famous character from an animated movie. So, action figures or pictures of this character can be another item for the Show-and-Tell class exercise.

40. Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is a fruit that is very tasty and colourful. Children love to eat this fruit. So, this fruit can be an interesting item for the children to bring to their class activity.

41. Desert Lime

Desert lime is a very delicious as well as high in nutrition fruit. Children can bring this actual fruit to their class activity to talk about its characteristics.

42. Dewberries

Dewberries are also a kind of fruit. This is related to blackberry and its taste and colour is also similar to a blackberry. Children can bring this fruit to their class activity and after the demonstration, everyone can eat this nutritional fruit.

43. Daylily

Daylily is a vegetable that is both delicious to eat and beautiful to look at. It also has many nutritional values. Children can bring this vegetable to the class for the Show and Tell activity and talk about it.

44. Dandelion

Dandelion is a plant with beautiful yellow flowers. This plant is used as home decor. Children can bring toys, pictures or even an actual dandelion flower to their class to talk about it in their Show and tell activity.

Some More Show And Tell Ideas That Start With Letter D

Below are some common items that can be a Show-and-Tell class activity item starting with the letter D for your pre-schooler kid:

  1. Darth Vader
  2. Danish
  3. Dennis the Menace
  4. Dinosaur Train
  5. Dessert
  6. Diego
  7. D.W. (From Arthur)
  8. Digger
  9. Drum Stick
  10. Dale (From Chip and Dale)
  11. Duplos
  12. Doghouse
  13. Daisies
  14. Duplo Legos
  15. Disco ball
  16. D letter Cities or Countries on a Map
  17. Dash (From The Incredibles)
  18. Didi Pickles (From the Rugrats)

Frequently Asked Questions About D Letter Show And Tell

Followings are some frequently asked questions about Show and Tell Starting with D people asked randomly on the internet:

What Is Show-And-Tell Method?

Show-and-Tell method is to choose an item of children’s choice or pre-selected by the school and bring that item to the class to demonstrate it.

Why Show-And-Tell Is Important?

This exercise is very important in building a bright future for children. It helps develop kid’s confidence, storytelling skills, social skills, etc.

What Are Some Fruits And Vegetables That Start With The Letter D For Show-And-Tell?

  • Date
  • Dragon fruit
  • Desert lime
  • Dewberries
  • Daylily


What Are Some Animals That Start With The Letter D For Show-And-Tell?

  • Dalmatian
  • Donkey
  • Deer
  • Dolphin
  • Dragon


How To Prepare For Show-And-Tell?

  • Keep your head up.
  • Voice should be clear and loud
  • Try to relax when describing the item.


Show-and-Tell is such a fun and interactive activity started by the American education system. This activity not only develops a child’s mental health and improves their skills, but also helps the parents to bond with their children and socialize with other children and their parents.

Because of this exercise, children are interested in going to school and participating in activities like this more. I have arranged some ideas starting with D in this article that might help you in choosing your kid’s class exercise items.

And if you are looking for ideas for other letters as well, I recommend you read other articles I have put together. Such as:

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